chapter 16

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I stared dumbfounded at Dr. Hazuki that bastard pretended to be my father?!

            “Hello sweetheart. You always seem to like making trouble for me, don’t you?” My body shook with anger, I was going to kill him, right here, right now; I don’t care whose watching! I took a step closer and the door opened again. Emily and her dad came in arm in arm.

            “Oh hello Dr. Hazuki.” Emily’s smile shocked me. She knew who he was? I stared at her in shock as she gave me a dirty look. “You should teach your daughter better manners you know, first she killed Ian now she’s trying to kill me!” Emily’s actions were making me doubt this was even her. Did she just say, for the third time today, that I killed Ian?

            “You don’t have to exaggerate sweetheart, it wasn’t her fault.” Her dad was patting her head like a dog. Ian is dead? It finally registered in my head, when did he die who killed him? I looked towards Dr. Hazuki and his disgusting smile was plastered all over his face.

            “I hope you all will forgive her, she’s a bit flustered since she isn’t used to our new house yet.” Dr. Hazuki’s voice was making everyone nod their heads like puppets, what the hell is going on? “If you’ll excuse me I’m going to take her home now.” He smiled at everyone, grabbed my hand, and walked out.

            “Let me go you freak!” I struggled as he walked through the office.

            “We have to get out of here now.” His voice said something bad was going to happen.

            “Where are you taking her old man?” Chris stood there with his arms crossed, and I saw Alex and Liam come from behind him. Dr. Hazuki simply laughed.

            “Oh look! It’s the useless toys Albert made for me.” I didn’t even let him finish his sentence my hand automatically raised and I slapped him across his face.

            “We are NOT your toys!” Dr. Hazuki’s laugh irrupted through the hallway.

            “You ARE my toy, but first we have to put you through the last test.” I looked at the psychotic man in front of me. I thought I finished the tests… “Anyways, let’s get out of here.” He grabbed me into a hug and before I can struggle a needle entered into my spin making me pass out. Fuck Dr. Hazuki and his dirty tricks.

I opened my eyes and it was dark outside, the clear sky was full of billions of shinning stars. I got up slowly looking around. I was in the middle of a field.

            “I blew up the school. See what you make me do when you become naughty?” I looked back and saw Dr. Hazuki with his arms crossed as he leaned on a black SUV. He blew up the school? I shook as I walked slowly towards him like a zombie. “You’re lucky I got you out of there fast, your dumb friends made me lose three of my best guards just to keep them in there to die.” I ran full speed at him and slammed my arm into his throat chocking him. He killed them… I screamed tears streaming down my cheeks as I saw his eyes roll backwards. I wasn’t going to kill him; I’m going to torture him to death. I let go, grabbed him by the collar, and threw him across the field. He thinks life is such a joke; he needs a reality check. I walked with long steps towards him cracking my neck in a circler motion as my hands formed into a fist. Dr. Hazuki didn’t move an inch, I kneeled down on him and stared into his evil eyes, they were full of excitement, the crazy, I belong in a mental hospital, excitement. I punched him so hard I heard his jaw break. Ah, the sound his bones breaking was such a thrill. I kept throwing one punch after another but all he did was laugh. I got up in frustration and kicked his stomach so hard he flew even further into the field. I don’t know where he brought us but it was deserted, no human was in a ten-mile radius. I ran to him ready to torture him some more, my heart was beating too fast and tears were running down my eyes none stop. Even when he was the one getting tortured I was the one crying, that's fucked up. I screamed and pulled his hands up so hard as I stepped on his ribcage. The arms naturally dislocated out of there place, but I couldn’t take it when his laugh became even crazier. I took his head in my hands ready to snap his nasty little neck in one second but stopped.

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