Chapter 9 - Encounter on the Road

Start from the beginning

After finishing collecting our gear, we left the inn we were staying at, and headed to the guild to inform them that we were proceeding with our Orc Subjugation quest. 

After leaving the guild we headed for the northern gate, the one we walked through to enter the city. 

Showing the guards at the gate our silver guild cards, we were allowed to exit through the gate. Before walking out, however, we said a quick hello to Beltron. We also thanked him for showing us to the adventurers guild the other day.

After passing through the gate, we made our way down the road. My hand on Noroi's hilt, I kept my guard up, incase we were ambushed by thieves or a bandit group on our trip to complete the Orc request.


We've been walking for about an hour, the sun was almost at its peak, which meant it was close to lunch time. However, before we take a break for lunch, I want us to get as far as possible, and to at least find the nearby Orc camp. Eat lunch, then attack the Orcs, that was my plan.

However, sometimes things don't go according to how you planned it. I could smell someone following us, but from what I could tell, they weren't behind us. Instead, they were in the tree-line to our left. These enhanced senses, from being a part of the beastman race, are incredibly impressive, and rather useful in situations like this.

My ears twitched as I heard them rustling through the trees. From what I can hear and smell, there are approximately four or five of them. Quite possibly it could be the bandit group that I heard was nearby the city. Although, it seems rather stupid if you ask me. I mean, why would you set up base this close to the city? It might be an hour walk away, but they must be quite confident in their skills to be hanging around this close to Arendall.

Firming my grip on Noroi letting her know that there will be a fight on our hands soon enough. Whispering to Sana I told her, "There are about four or five guys following us, all men, and they are armed. Be ready for a counterattack." She nodded her head in confirmation.

Using my god's eye, I saw five lights moving ahead of us through the tree's. If I had to guess, these lights should either be their life forces, or the mana that lies within them all. Along with the five mana signals, I could also see some of the mana in the air collect around Sana. She seems ready to cast an intermediate level spell. 

With my hand gripping Noroi, and Sana ready to cast a spell, we continued walking, waiting for the ambush to happen. We figured we might as well give them a chance, before we beat them to the ground.

After walking for another 30 minutes, we saw a woman lying down on the road. She LOOKED like she was bleeding from her head, but from what I could smell, that blood didn't belong to her. She saw Sana and I walking down the road, then she started shouting, "Help! Help me, my daughter was captured by goblins. Please help us!!" I could tell...from years of people lying to me, and tricking me with phrases like 'I could use your help with something, it's over here c'mon.' Then I would follow them, and it would just lead to me being bullied.

I could see in the woman's eyes, that nothing she was saying to us was sincere. With my 'Eye of God' activated, I casually scanned our surroundings, mainly the tree-line. There I could see four mana signatures, all of them belonging to four of the people I saw earlier. One was missing though, but when I looked at the woman, her signature was the same as the fifth one that was currently missing. 

Looking at Sana I asked her, "Can you tell where they are?" Making the question vague, so they won't be alerted to what we we're planning to do. Looking at me, she answered in her usual monotone voice, "Yes...Shall I finish them?" Glancing at them woman, who was still acting like she was just an innocent villager. I nodded to Sana, "Yes, it without killing them. After all..." Looking at the woman that was still kneeling on the ground. "...There might be a reward for taking them in alive."

Seeing the shoulders on the woman twitch slightly. Sana activated an intermediate tiered binding spell. From the forest we could hear four men shouting out.





As well as the four men, the woman was put under the binding spell as well. She tried to continue playing innocent, "W-w-what are you doing!? My daughter needs help!" Covering her mouth with my hand, I leaned in and spoke loud enough for the four men to hear, "Next time you try robbing someone...make sure it isn't a beastman. After all, your acting may be decent. However, I could smell your scents on each other."

The woman went silent, and her face changed from playing the innocent villager, to a face of anger and disgust. "You stupid beast. Release us, or we'll kill you both damnit!" 

I would have been pissed off, not for threatening me, but for threatening Sana. However, I couldn't help but laugh considering the situation they were in right now. I mean, what could they do? They were all tied up, and still had the guts to threaten someone who didn't even need to break a sweat, or spill any blood, while capturing them all alive.

Copying Sana's binding spell, with my own twist on it. I shot out a rope constructed of pure magic essence. The rope went through the trees and bushes, pulling the four men out onto the road. After the men were dragged out, I commanded the rope to wrap around, and tie the five of them together.

Tying it all together into a single rope, I dragged them down the road, with Sana following right after me. While I was walking I could hear Noroi ask in my mind, "Aren't you going to return to town so you can turn them in?" Thinking about it, it would be a hassle to walk all the way back to town, turn them in, then return to trying to complete our request. So I responded to her "No, it would be a hassle to do that, then walk ALLLL the way back out here for the Orcs"

So with that, we continued our walk down the road, till we reached the area close to where the Orcs were recently spotted. Tying the Bandits to a nearby tree, Sana and I sat on a stump. Her sitting on my lap. Although I don't mind her doing this, I hope somebody doesn't think of this differently.

While sitting, I pulled some bread and and a waterskin pouch out of my travel bag. It wasn't much but we aren't staying out here long, so we just need something to fill our bellies from the walk.

Checking on the magic rope, we chose to leave them tied up here, with their mouths gagged. 

Entering the forest I followed the unique scent that Orcs usually give off. Although it reeks so tracking them is a pain, but it helps so I will just have to tolerate it. 

After walking for a little while, I started hearing noises, so signaling Sana, we hid behind some bushes as we advanced, until we could see a couple of Orcs. Sana was about to start casting attack magic, but I had to stop her first. Something wasn't quite right, there were only a couple of Orcs. The quest form told us that there was an Orc camp. Perhaps these ones are scouts, or hunters sent out to acquire food.

From what I could see on their back, they had quite a lot of food on them. There might be quite a lot of Orcs. For now we will follow them till they return back to camp, then we will eliminate them all at once.

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