Chapter 1: Mystery Diva Returns

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Seth Rollins

The entire roster was forced to surround the ring to watch the main event.

For the second time in WWE History, the divas were gonna main event the show. I was with Jon and Joe as we watched Paige come down the ramp.

The match was:

Paige vs ???? ???? - WWE Divas Championship

The Authority wants us all out here because some of us were inspired by her, most are fans, a lot of us know or know of her.

We all have our speculations but we also doubt SHE'D be back.

"The following contest is your main event, it is for the WWE Divas Championship, introducing first, from Norwich, England, weighing at a 120 lbs, she is the current WWE Divas Champion, Paige!!" Lillian announces.

The heels cheer her on. I didn't care too much for her. I don't pay attention to the divas a lot. I haven't since 2009.

Paige did her thing and then waited for her mystery opponent. This interested me because it could be anyone. It's a returning diva.

For all we know it could be Lita or Trish Stratus or Chyna for god sakes.

There was a pause and then... Holy shit, are you serious? She's back?!


The fans went INSANE once she walked out, doing her sisters signature "talk to the hand" signs.

The color draining almost everyone who's faced this woman or know what she's capable of.

"And her opponent, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, weighing at a 120 lbs, making her return to the WWE after 5 years... Abby Jade!!" Lillian announces.

Abby Jade.
The best, most dominant, daring, breath takingly beautiful and one of the most strongest divas.

Abby hugs some of the superstars and divas and fans as she approached the ring.

Abby did her older sister, Maryse's, entrance and then the bell rings. She leans against the turnbuckle by me, Jon, and Joe.

"NOW, I wanna see this!" Jon says.

"Hell yea, man! This is Abby Jade!" Joe says and I smile.

"Colby's got a crush!" They tease me.

I fight the blush as we lean on the mat with everyone else and watch the match.

Paige and Abby circle each other as Abby claps with the crowd.

"Abby Jade!"

"Abby Jade!"

"Abby Jade!"

"Abby Jade!"

"Abby Jade!"

This went on for five minutes.

Paige and Abby lock each other in and then Abby sends Paige into the ropes and hits her with a hard close line.

Abby grabs Paige by the hair and picks her up then Irish whips her into the turnbuckle by us and you can hear how hard Paige hit the turnbuckle then slamming into the mat.

Me and the guys hissed, thinking about the burning pain Paige has to be in from that.

Abby walks over and puts Paige up against the turnbuckle and kicks her in the gut then we back up as Abby uses the ropes to choke Paige.

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