"I—er—my company paid a lot of money for these seats. That shouldn't matter!"

Jake snickered. "Aw, sit down, Bambi. We'll make the money worth it."

I became desperate because that in no way made me feel better. Especially when I saw Blake, and how he had purposefully buried his head in his laptop to avoid this argument. "Isn't there a seat in economy? Any seat at all?" I protested.

She rolled her eyes. "The flight is booked full, Miss. You need to feel grateful I opened the doors again for you, and you need to take your seat," She sneered.

My head was still pounding. My carry on was still full of things I needed to do in the hour. My feet were aching from the stress. I took my seat, but begrudgingly.

Jake grinned. "This is going to be great! You, me, and Blake on the adventure of a lifetime!"

I grabbed my laptop from my carry on. "Don't hold your breath."

"C'mon, I've never had a flying buddy before. Will you hold my hand during take off?"

"Not even if you washed it in holy water."

Then, the plane's noise became drowned by the furious typing of the keyboard next to me. It was angry, and irritated, but also as productive as I needed to be.

Jake was still amused. And relentless to get under my skin. "Is this why you didn't want to get drunk last night?"


"But you did anyways."

I ignored him. "I'm going to Chicago as Matteo's representative, to what I can assume is the same conference you are heading to."

A look of shock flashed over Jake's face at the mention of her company. "You're working for Zane? Why?"

"Why is that important?" I shot back. "And why are you so surprised?"

He shrugged, realizing his face gave away more than he meant to. "No reason."


As I settled into my seat, I couldn't help my eyes wander over to Blake. Just for a moment. Just to steal a glance and confirm that this was real life.

And then a thought occurred to me.

I turned to Jake. "If you two are so rich, especially when you own a merger, then why aren't you two riding your own plane to the conference?"

On instinct, Jake rolled his eyes. "Unfortunately, I don't get to be in charge of transportation, Blake is. And he was feeling cheap for this being only a one-night conference."

Blake cleared his throat.

Jake rolled his eyes again. "And we're saving money with the jet for the longer trip we are going to take at the end of the summer."

I smiled at their cohesiveness, their evidently submissive relationship. "You're such a good little business partner aren't you?" I cooed.

He swatted my arm. "Shut up."

"Why? Traveling with a buddy is supposed to be fun," I mocked.

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