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"Mate, are you sure you don't wanna come?" Louis asked me, for what seemed like the millionth time.

I let out a long deep sigh before responding, once again.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I've got some studying to do anyway."

The next thing I know, Louis let out a loud grunt and started to rummage through my closet. Wide eyed, I just sat on my bed, looking at Louis in bewilderment.

"You can't keep isolating yourself from everyone, Zayn. Go out, mingle, meet new people. You know, live a little."

"I'm fine, Louis. There's no good point for parties. I like the way my life is, okay?"

I didn't like these type of things. You know parties, especially frat parties. They're just not me.

, I hate it so much when people try to change you. I like my life, I do.

"God damn it mate! Just get up, come on. Just this one time!" Louis almost threw a tantrum exiting the room, and throwing all my clothes on the sheets.

I don't know, I just didn't feel like going. Louis was just being very persistent about making me go. He wasn't gonna let this go, not by a long shot.

I took a long deep sigh as I sat on the bed and looked through the clothes he had given me.

"Maybe just this one time." I said as I stood up and looked at the clothes one last time.

"Yes, you're going. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

I turned my head over to the door only to find out that Louis was looking through the crack of the door while I sighed and said yes.

"Mate stop that!"

"I am, sorry. I just couldn't wait any longer to know if you are going or not, anyway we leave in an hour. Be ready!"

I took a even longer sigh and stared at the mirror thinking about this whole idea of going. I remember I once said to my self 'Never again am I going to any type of party, quiet is me and I'm not changing.' then I also remembered, that my mom once said, 'Never will I ever let you go.' and it turned out to be lie.

Why not give it another shot, I thought.

I do believe in the fact that people change, not because they're forced to, but only because they have a right too. And I am not going to lie, it takes time, confidence, courage and most important all your effort. Which I have no reason to change and the only thing I might have is time.

Which in this case I won't. After changing into an outfit and making myself look presentable, I exited the bathroom and Louis was sitting on my bed with his phone in his hand.

"Great, now all we need to do is to do something for forty minutes."

I opened my phone and looked through my messages and apps.

I am definitely different from Louis. He could get ready for the rest of his life still come out and say 'I don't look presentable' which bothers me.

I played a couple of games on my phone and waited patiently while Louis started losing his.

"Why do they always do this.. They're always late, blah, blah, blah." he's not the most patient guy I must admit.

I played some more games and ignored him.

After what seemed minutes to me and endless hours to Lou, we heard a knock at the door. Louis ignored the small sound and that was an indication for me to answer, so I got up and opened the door.

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