Chapter 28

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"Hey, hey, hey" Tamsin's voice said walking into the kitchen with Erika

"Where's Maddie and Charlie?" Darcy asked

"Maddie's asleep. Charlie's playing with her hair" Erika said

"Cute" I said

"Ella!" Darcy shouted at me

"What!? I'm aloud to say they're cute!" I said

"What's got your knickers in a twist, eh Darc?" Tamsin said

"Darcy's paranoid cos she thinks Maddie and Charlie are slagging" I laughed. Erika and Tamsin burst into fits of laughter

"No I'm being serious guys!" Darcy said. Not finding anything about this conversation funny

"DONT BE STUPID" Erika said trying not to laugh "if they were. Charlie would have told Leo. And Leo would have told me. Or Maddie would have told me. They're not. Don't worry Darcy" she continued

--------------Charlie's POV----------------

"Right Eri we're off" Tamsin said

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow at school then" Erika said walking towards the door.

"Will Maddie be there?" Darcy asked. Maddie shook her head. I was just sat pretending to be asleep.

"Aw they look so cute" Ella said. Maddie was bundled in my arms and I was lying on the sofa. My lips pressed firmly against the back of her head.

"Yeah they do. But come on. Tell Maddie we'll see her soon. Love you Eri. Bye" Tamsin said followed by Ella and Darcy who said bye. Erika reached for a blanket and put it over us. Then I heard a picture click. Eventually she ran upstairs. And 5 minutes later my phone buzzed

'Erika_MaeX mentioned you in a comment' she'd put a photo on Instagram for god sake.

'This is well cute💕 @madeleine_baker @barsandmelody'

I liked it and commented 'cutie pies us;) xxx' soon enough she'd replied

'Hm get back to sleep you bumder😂xx @barsandmelody'

I laughed and looked at Maddie still asleep in my arms. I wrapped my arms around her.

2 weeks later we were all at Harvey's house to stop the night and Leo was tweeting

'Night in with the lads, Charlie, @harvey and @overloadmusic - Leo xx'

Being the saddos that we are Jordi jumped up "LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE" he shouted

"How old are you again?" Leo laughed

"4" Jordi said sitting down. "Right. Leo. Truth or dare?" He continued.

"Dare" Leo replied

"Oh Jordi. Don't have dares to do with girlfriends in this. I think those with girlfriends want to keep them, just saying" Ryan said. Jordi laughed.

"I dare you to go and run all around the street singing 'I'm gay' in nothing but your boxers with ketchup all over your face and hair" Jordi said

"Okay" Leo replied. He walked into the kitchen and put ketchup on his head and face and stripped down to his boxers

"Please let me take a photo of this and send it to Erika" Andy laughed

"Just video it and send it to her" I said. So we did. We all videod it on snap chat and set it to Erika. She replied to all of them with '😂' but loads.

"Charlie. Truth or dare?" Jordi said

"Truth" I replied

"Have you ever got hard over Maddie?" He asked me

"Corse he has. Based on the things him and Maddie have done. Corse he has" ollie said

"What? Me and Maddie haven't done anything?" I said confused as hell. "Where did you get that idea from?" I said

"Darcy" Joey said. I sighed and burst out laughing

"To answer your question. Yes I have. No we haven't done anything. Yes we almost have. Yes. I want to" I said. All of their jaws dropped

"YES CHARLIE LAD. you have to do something with her SOON" Jordi said

"I do?" I asked

"Yeah. Get tossed off. Finger her. Shag her. I don't care. SOMETHING" he said. I looked at Leo for help but he just shrugged at me.

---------------Maddie's POV---------------

I was sat at home on the sofa in my pjs with Erika and my phone buzzed

"Who is it?" Erika asked

"Leo" I replied

"Whys Leo texting you?" She asked

"Cos he's my friend?" I said starting to read the text "SHUT THE FRONT DOOR" I said sitting up

"What?" Erika said

"Read that" I said handing her my phone. She read the text out loud

'Glad to know your cast is off Madds. See you soon hopefully. Miss you. And just to let you know. Jordi's planning on getting Charlie to do stuff with you. See you soon x'

"Oh my god" Erika said. I nodded at her pulling a nervous look at her. "Are you going to do anything if he plans it?" She asked me. I shrugged at her. Then my phone buzzed. Erika passed me it.

'New message:


Hey Madds meet me at that massive park thing near mine tomorrow? Want to talk 😍😘xxxxxxxxx'

I read it out to Erika and she burst out laughing. Oh god.

I just wanted to say (Charlie Lenehan)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara