Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Gemma’s POV

(Same day)

“Ick” I mumble into my pillow, “first day of school”

I roll-over and fall with a soft thud onto the floor, groaning as I do so. I lay there for a second not bothering to move, it’s too much effort.

I slowly push myself up off the floor and crawl over to my wardrobe, I grab my pale denim super skinny jeans and a pale white/yellow semi see-through ‘Typo’ shirt with a bucks head (male deer) on it, a brown and black leopard print bra and put it all on quickly so I don’t get cold.

I do my face really basic today, just mascara and a little base with some lippy. When I am finished I run down stairs and grab a few bits of toast on the dwindling pile of buttered toast and plant my ass on the bench.

Jake slides down the stairs on the banister and plops on the floor with a thud and notices that I am sitting on the bench.

“Benches are for Glasses not for Asses” he says lifting my off the bench-top and dropping me on the floor, Ass-hole.

Alice comes gracefully down the stairs and makes the seating arrangements so that we can all get to where we are going, once in the Ute with Tyler, Nina and the Triplets we take off towards school.

The Ute stops and I snap out of my haze to see the school, out of all the schools I have been too I think this one looks the nicest. We all get out and slowly head towards the school, Nina is slowing down behind the rest of us.

When we reach the front door the Triplets step in front of all of us and shove open the doors, everyone starts calling out to the 4 boys as we walk towards the office, Harrison holds the door open for us all a then I sort of zone out.

I look around the room, it’s quite big with natural wooden skirting and a few framed pictures of students and awards that have been given to the school of certificates showing that the school passes this law or regulation.

I am handed a folder and shoved out of the office, a flick through the folder and see just the usual stuff, basic school rules, locker info, my timetable and the teacher sign sheet, I nod to myself and scan the hallway noticing Harrison and Scott drawing on Nina’s time-table.

Nina and the triplets are leaving to go to classes, I turn to Tyler and hand him my Time-table, so he can help me find my first class.

But he does the thing the triplets did and marked which lessons I have with him, turns out I only have 2 lessons on my own and 2 outta 8 is pretty good.

First is English and it is with Tyler, he walks away after giving me back my time-table and I follow him. When we arrive at the door he is pounced on by a small, blonde giggling girl.

He catches her easily and spins her around, he stops and she kisses his forehead, then he puts her down. She turns to me grinning.

“Hello, I am Samantha, I‘m Tyler’s mate, but you can call me Sammy or Sam and you are?” she chirps smiling at and holding her hand out for me to shake it.

“Hi, I’m Gemma, Tyler’s new sister” I answer taking her little hand and shaking it.

“You will be my friend, when my cousin gets back I will introduce you to him, he is away for the week so you will meet him next week” she says matter-of-fact-ly.

Tyler smiles and kisses the side of her head, then grabs her hand and leads her to a seat, he motions for me to follow and sit next to her. So I do and he sits on the other side of her, she gets out her books and sets up her desk.

The lesson passes in a blur of questions from Sam and shushes from the teacher, when the bell goes I stay behind and get him to sign my sheet.

He stops me and says “Please avoid talking during class Miss Hall, I can’t get Mates to stop talking but I can get friends to stop talking, so please do it in another lesson.”

I nod as if I am listening and walk out, only to bump into another girl. She is wearing huge heels and a super slutty mini skirt with black fish-net leggings and a strapless crop-top that shows her gross bellybutton piercing. Her face has so much make-up on it that I can hardly tell if her skin is still there and not melted by the nasty stuff they put in cheap crappy make-up.

She stumbles and makes at stupid looking mad face at me, “Hey slut bag watch the where the fuck you are going!” she yells taking a menacing step towards me, I smile at her sweetly and bow extravagantly while saying “Why of course your most Royal Queen of the Nasty Sluts, your disgusting whore-ish wish is my most humble and profound command, Your Fucking Majesty. I am not sorry at all to have upset you, your most ungracious cow of Un-Majesty”

I hear a few half stifled giggles and snickers, I guess I have just found the school slut/queen bee.

“How dare you insult me like that, bitch. This is my school and you will respect me, you don’t even know who I am.” She screams in my face, spraying me with her foul spit. “Well then let’s get acquainted. I am Gemma Hall, I am the new girl and one of the new sisters in the Kayne family. Who are you? Other than the school slut that is”

I can actually see the red of her face through her make-up, which must mean she is as red as a flipping tomato, impressive. She glares at me and stalks off with two bimbos following behind her, one actually looks really pretty but the other is even sluttier than the first.

I smile and bow to the on-looking crowd and walk over to where Sam is looking a bit awe-struck and Tyler is trying to stop himself from laughing out loud and possibly falling over.

“My God,” he gasps out “that was the funniest thing I have ever seen, your right she is the school slut. Her name is Anastasia and she is a total Bitch, I am pretty sure no-one has ever spoken to her like that before. You will definitely have worshipers or at least followers by the end of the day” and then Sam pounces on me, tackling me with a big hug.

“I will be your first worshiper!! She is a mean ….. MEANIE!!” She yells triumphantly, sadly I must pop her bubble

“Sorry Sam but I refuse worshipers, awesome best friends I will accept. But not worshipers” I state firmly, only to smile and hug her back.

The rest of this boring day passes in a flash of new classes, Sam’s questions and new homework.

At the end of the day we meet up with the others, Nina is being carried by one of the boys, the other two are talking to another boy and not paying attention to where they are going.

When Nina is placed down she runs behind me and flips the bird at the triplets and their friend then climbs into the tray on the back of the ute, crossing her arms and glaring at all of the boys.

I guess I should probably make friends with my new sister since I will be living here with her for at least 3 months, my CSW told me he refuses to come and pick me up before the 3 months are up.

I climb into the back with Nina as the boys all pile into the car.

“So” I begin “made any new friends today?”

“Yeah” she smiles “Belle, Annabelle, Chloe and Jamie. Plus the boy’s friends Tony and Will”

“That’s cool, I made friends with Tyler’s mate and awesomely insulted the school slut, while managing to stay out of trouble with the teachers, well mostly anyway”

She smiles and me and moves closer, the Ute roars to life and we start heading home.

Is it weird that I already think of the Kaynes house as Home?

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