Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Gemma's POV

The sun comes streaming onto my face as I lay in bed, my eyes flutter open and are immediately blinded by the sun. I groan and roll over then someone knocks on my door.

Since I’m not a morning person I am irritable and snappy so I sit up and say “What!?” a little too loudly for my liking.

The door opens slightly and Tyler’s head pops around the corner “Just came to see if you wanted breakfast because if you do you need to be ready and downstairs in 15 minutes” he says a bit indifferently and walks away leaving my door open so I have to get up and close it.

I groan again and flop back onto my bed, then much to my dislike my stomach groans very loudly, I make a ‘Blegh’ sound and slowly get out of bed.

Once on my feet I take a deep breath and look around my nice new room.

It has white walls with black rounded corners/edging, a large black window frame looking out right next to a huge tree. I have a black painted bed with black and white checker board patterned sheets that are now all rumpled.

The carpet is an off white colour and the wardrobe is white with mirror doors, the desk is white with black legs and my bed-side tables are white plus my desk lamp and my free-standing lamp are black.

Then I realise that I need to pee really badly but I don’t know where the damn bathroom is, shit.

I fling back the covers and jump out of bed almost falling over in the process. I run over to my wardrobe and put on the first pair of pants I lay my hands on, which happens to be an old pair of black leggings, I already have on a dark blue singlet shirt.

I run over to the other side of my room to grab my hairbrush and super quickly brush my hair, I put it up, slip on my ugg-boots, pinch my cheeks to wake me up a bit more and to add more colour to my sleepy face, I wipe the sleep out of my eyes and give myself a big smile in the mirror.

Taking a deep breath I run out of the room shutting the door behind me, I turn the corner and run down the boy’s corridor and make it to the stairs without collisions. I fly down the stairs and come to a halt just off the last step.

There is only one empty seat left at the table and not much food, I sigh grateful that there is any food left at all.

 Last time I was in a home with boys I had to get to the table way before them to get any food at all and there was only three of them then and now there is nine and I’m getting food! I like this place already, I am now going to try and stay here instead of trying to get out of here.

I happily walk over to my seat and sit down quickly grabbing what’s left of breakfast. There are some scrambled eggs, two bits of bacon and a piece of toast.

I plie it on my plate and look around for some butter to put on my toast, after buttering my toast I put one bit of bacon on it and some of my eggs. I inhale a deep whiff of the amazing smell that is breakfast.

After eating all of my breakfast I felt in a much better mood than when I first woke up, isn’t it amazing how after eating great food you feel much better, maybe I should ask someone about that? Later.

Then a huge wave of needing to pee hits me like a tonne of bricks, “Shit!” I mumble. “Umm, Alice would you be able to show me where the bathroom is?” I ask rather politely, “Sure” she replies.

She gets up from the table and motions for me to follow her, so I do. We walk towards the stairs but instead of going up we go around and under them to see a large wooden cupboard and a pretty door with a fancy name plate that says ‘Bathroom’ on it.

(No Shit Sherlock)

“This is the kids bathroom” she says motioning towards the door “And this is you linen closet”

I thank her and rush into the bathroom so I don’t piss myself, you know how when you really need to pee and then when you do you sort of unconsciously sigh? Yeah well I did that and I think it might have been just a bit too loud.


Today is Sunday, I just realised that. So it’s about 1:30 in the afternoon and I still haven’t changed yet. I am sitting on my newly made bed reading the third Harry Potter.

I don’t know why but I haven’t read them before and I don’t know why because I saw the movie when I was like, I dunno, 8 maybe. But any way they are really good so far and I REALLY like Buck-Beak he is just so awesome!!!

All of a sudden my stomach starts gurgling at me and making other stupid noises, then Lavara decides to come and talk to me, she is quite shy and timid, which I find odd since I am neither.

She bursts into my head and tells me “Gemma I am dreadfully bored and we haven’t gone for a run in the last 4 days plus you are hungry and don’t want to go see that new family again so, Let’s Go Run!!!” she is complaining very loudly which is unusual so she must be really, really bored.

I guess I have no other choice but to agree. So I put in my bit of scrap paper that I am using as a bookmark, put down my book, take off my nice warm ugg-boots change into a pair of cute black booty shorts and walk down stairs.

Alice is in the living room with the three smallest boys and David watching some lame looking show. I tell her I am going for a run and she reminds me that I must be home for dinner, I agree and walk out the door heading towards a small patch of trees.

Once I am at the edge of the throng of trees I reach out and touch the nearest tree, I can feel Lavara sighing happily at the feeling of tree bark under my fingers. I head into the trees a bit more and strip sticking my clothes on a low branch that is within arm’s reach.

I take a deep breath and change, loving the feeling of my bones cracking and reforming, my skin becoming covered in soft thick fur and the total perspective change, my Were is an absolutely adorable little white spotted Doe, she is so pretty! And then I breathe out.

I quickly stretch and then let Lavara take over completely, when I was younger I gave her a long stern talk about what is appropriate and what she is never allowed to do, so I feel completely safe giving her full control of our body.


After running and playing with real deer and a few excitable yearlings that had strayed from the herd for a few hours I was exhausted and so was my darling Lavara. I convinced her that hot food would make us feel better and that it was almost dinner anyway and we would get into trouble if we weren’t home soon.

So I ran using up the very last of my energy to get back to that small throng of trees where my clothes are, I changed back into a human in the trees mid-stride grabbed my clothes and changed quickly, then started walking back to the incredible house that I am now living in.

I walk in the door smiling thinking how much I liked this place and how I was going to try and stay here for a change. When I walked in  I saw some of the boys were already seated at the table, waiting surprisingly patiently for food. I plopped down into my seat and could already feel my eyes beginning to droop. I won’t last much longer today.

And with that my head thumped down onto the table and I fell asleep instantly.

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