Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Nina’s POV

As the boys line up David walks over to stand next to Alice. Once lined up properly from oldest to youngest Alice instructs them to introduce themselves.

The eldest is wearing jeans and a grey jumper with just socks, he is tallish and very strong looking. His almost black hair looks as if he tried to style it but gave up and let it look amazing all on its own. His dark hazel eyes just make him look even better.

“Hey” he says “I’m Jake and I’m 19.”

The next one is taller and thinner than his brother but still pretty tough looking. He is just in a baggy pair of jeans and an old looking black hoodie. He has serious dark chestnut bed hair, and light brown eyes, he leans against the wall and mumbles.

“I’m Max, I’m 17”

The third one looks as if he actually put some effort into his outfit. He’s got a motorcycle jacket, a red Mambo dog shirt, some jeans and a pair of red Vans on and his hair has got a bit of gel in it, but only a little bit. His slightly too long hair has nice looking blonde streaks and his blue grey eyes look very curious.

“Sup, I’m Tyler and I’m 16.”

Then there are three blondes with very blue eyes. The first is wearing a soccer shirt, shorts, shin pads and soccer boots with a bag slung over his shoulder.

The second has an open pale blue button down, a white singlet and jeans. And the third is topless, with just track pants on and is still rubbing his face like he was rudely awoken in the last five minutes.

The first one says “I’m Scott the sports super star and these two” he gestures toward the other blondes, “are my triplets, we’re 14 by the way.”

The middle one grumbles, “My names Vince” and the third one yawns and says, “Encyclopaedia Harrison at your service” he smiles then yawns again.

Next a short freckly kid steps forward and bows. “I,” he states “Am Edward Nicolas Kayne, I am 11 years of age and it is my pleasure to meet you all.” He has big round glasses that slip down his nose and short spiky hair that sticks out everywhere. There are freckles all over his face and arms and even on his legs. He is wearing shorts and a shirt that is tucked in to his shorts. Plus, a very ‘clip on’ looking bow tie, and the worst thing of all, Socks and Sandals.

*cue shudder*

After the complete Nerd are two small identical looking boys are rolling around on the floor trying to get the other pinned on the ground.

 “Stop that, boys!” Alice snaps. They stand in an instant and brush each other off, not themselves, each other. One of them is blonde while the other is a brunette. They are both wearing jeans and brightly coloured t-shirts.

“Well,” they start in unison, “we are the masters of trouble and the world’s greatest partners in crime.” They both smile cheekily and Hi-five each other, the blonde one looks back over towards us.

 “I’m Liam and I am 9.” Then the other one says, “I’m Aiden and I’m 9 too, because we’re Twins if you didn’t notice.”

Finally, the last and smallest looks up and beams at us. He has white hair and pale blue eyes; he is wearing a grotty t-shirt and stained jeans and odd socks. He has a green sock and one stripy blue one with a hole in the toe.

He bounces on the spot while he says “I’m Reggie, these guys aren’t actually my family but I really wish they were. You’re lucky they can have you. Oh yeah and I’m 9 like them even though I’m heaps shorter than them.” He jabs his thumb at Liam and Aiden.

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