Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Lisa’s POV

After dinner Jake makes an excuse to leave, to go see a movie with his girlfriend. The other boys all sit patiently in their seats waiting for someone to tell them to leave or do something else. I look towards the other two girls, Gemma and Nina.

They are both very quiet girls so far although it was nice of Nina to come and get me for dinner, I unconsciously bring my hand up to my neck and start playing with my little fox necklace. It was the last thing I ever got from my parents, in my Mums will it said I could have it when I was 10, so a weird guy came and gave it to me on my 10th birthday.

Not the best birthday surprise, a weirdo standing on the door-step with some official looking papers and a little deep green velvet box, although it was the best birthday present ever, it made me feel as if my mother was still watching over me.

The eleven of us look towards Alice and David, I feel the sudden need for a hot shower and a cup of iced coffee with extra ice-cream, but Alice had other ideas.

“Well girls, I am going to run over a few of the house rules and then everyone can go up to bed.” She starts as David gets up and leaves the table “So the first rule you know, you must be home in time for dinner unless pre-organised. Rule 2, any boyfriends or girlfriends need to have joined in family dinner by the first month and need to show up at least once every 2 months. Rule 3, no drinking on a week day, so this rule only really applies to you Lisa and Jake but he isn’t here.” She says looking straight at me “Rule 4, the tenth birthday of a Were is very important and the twins birthday is in the next few months. Now I don’t expect any presents from you girls, in fact I would suggest against it but there are certain family traditions in this house so please play along and try to have fun. And last of all Rule 5, we all know each others Were’s so what are you girls?” she asks us with a slightly demanding tone.

“Well” Gemma starts rather arrogantly “I am a spotted Deer and my Were’s name is Lavara, and I would to keep my life intact so anyone who is a carnivore could they please resist the urge to rip out my throat.”

I decide to cut in before she makes any other impolite remarks. “I’m a Red Fox and her name is Verdi, so I’m a scavenger and scavengers don’t kill animals larger than themselves, it’s considered improper.” I declare.

“And, I am a lioness, her name is Azaria” Nina said rather quietly.

Alice then looks towards the boys with an expectant look and Eddie pipes up as if just realising what he is supposed to be doing.

“I am a bald eagle and his name is Carnec” Eddie says and then all the other boys follow suit.

Harrison then says “We are Tigers and my his name is Warren, Vince is Jordec and Scott is Toran”

“I am a Moose and his name is Izanheg” Tyler says rather confidently.

Max then mumbles “My Were is a Stallion and his name is Aramiss”

Liam butts in hardly letting his brother finish “Jake is a big wolf called Xhyeth” Aiden continues his brother’s sentence “And we aren’t old enough to turn yet”  “So we don’t know what we are” Liam cuts in, “Or who we are” Aiden finishes. “Me too” Reggie puts in.

I can’t help but smile a little because they sound like they are naming their pets. 

After a few seconds silence Alice smiles and introduces her Were “Beylahnie is the name of my Grizzly bear and she is also very happy to have three new children, that aren’t boys.”

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