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vernon put bender in a closet to talk to him.

"that's the last time, bender! that's the last time you ever make me look bad in front of those kids, do you hear me? i make $31,000 dollars a year and i have a home, and i'm not about to throw it away on some punk like you." he points to the boy.

"but someday, when you're outta here and you've forgotten all about this place—and they've forgotten all about you, and you're wrapped up in your own pathetic life...i'm gonna be there. that's right! and i'm gonna kick the living shit out of you, man, i'm gonna knock your dick in the dirt!"

bender looks over to the teacher. "you threatening me?"

"what are you going to do about it?"

bender thinks.

"you think anybody's gonna believe you? you think anybody is gonna take your word over mine? i'm a man of respect around here. they love me around here—i'm a swell guy. you're a lying sack of shit! and everybody knows it. oh, you're a real tough guy...come on, come on..."

for once, bender actually looks scared. vernon takes of his jacket and throws it to the ground.

"get on your feet, pal! let's find out how tough you are! i wanna know right now, how tough you are! come on! i'll give you the first punch, let's go! come on, right here, just take the first shot!" he gets in bender's face. "please, i'm begging you, take a shot! come on, just take one shot, that's all i need, just one swing!"

bender just sits there staring at vernon. vernon fakes a punch and bender flinches.

"that's what i thought—you're a gutless turd!" vernon leaves and locks the closet door after him.

bender climbs into a hatch in the ceiling and disappears. he bender slowly crawls through a heating duct, and begins to talk to himself.

"a naked blond walks into a bar, with a poodle under one arm and a two foot salami under the other. she lays the poodle on the table. bartender says: 'i suppose you won't be needing a drink.' the naked lady says—"

the ceiling under bender gives out and he falls through the ceiling that happens to be the library.

"OH SHIT!!!!" he screams.

"jesus christ, almighty!" vernon screams so loud you could hear him from the library.

bender walks down the stairs to see everybody with their jaws dropped.

"i forgot my pencil." he acts perfectly fine.

"god damnit! what in god's name is going on in here?!" vernon yells from the hall, and enters. "what was that ruckus?!"

bender disappears.

"uh, what ruckus?"

"i was just in my office and i heard a ruckus!"

"could you describe the ruckus, sir?"

"watch your tongue young man, watch it!"

bender is under the table by claire's legs. he
sits up and bangs his head on the table, and groans in pain.

above the table, andrew and claire try to take credit for the noise, by making more noise.

"what is that? what is that noise!?" vernon suspiciously looks around.

still under the table, bender looks between claire's legs and can see her panties. he puts his head between claire's legs.

"what noise?" andrew asks.

"really, sir, there wasn't any noise..." claire says, but then squeals. she squeezes bender's head between her knees.

everyone starts faking a coughing fit.

"that noise? was that the noise you were talking about?" the flustered girl says.

"no, it wasn't. that was not the noise i was talking about. now, i may not have caught you in the act this time, but you can bet i will."

allison laughs at vernon. "you make book on that missy!" the teacher looks to claire. "and you! i will not be made a fool of!" he turns and walks away.

everyone laughs except claire who lets bender out to a bunch of slaps.

"it was an accident!"

"you're a asshole."

"sue me." bender gets up and walks over to brian. "ahab, can i have all my doobage?"

brian reaches in his pants, and pulls out the weed.

"yo waistoid! you're not gonna blaze up in here!" andrew says to bender back as he's walking away.

claire thinks to herself, then gets up and goes after him, as well as brian.

"shit." andrew mumbles, and follows after them.


brian, bender and claire are sitting in a circle, laughing hysterically.

bender lights claire up and she coughs the smoke out, which makes brian laugh at her. he exhales and tries to eat the smoke.

"chicks, cannot hold der smoke! that's what it is!" the high nerd says in a weird voice.

"do you know how popular i am? i'm so popular, everybody loves me so much, at this school." claire, also high, brags.

"poor baby." bender frowns.

brian waves claire over to him but he falls over instead.

andrew then emerges from a room filled with smoke. he inhales another puff and then starts dancing. he does several cartwheels, and a few front flips. he takes of his sweatshirt and jumps around more. he then goes back in the room he was in, and screams which makes the glass in the door shatter.

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