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bender walks out of the library doors followed by everyone else. bender and claire are walking next to each other, brian and andrew are walking next to each other and at the end of the line, allison is following.

claire begins to talk to bender. "how do you know where vernon went?"

"i don't."

"well then, how do you know when he'll be back?

"i don't." he repeats and looks over to the girl. "being bad feels pretty good, huh."

"what's the point in going to bender's locker?" brian asks to andrew.

"beats me.." he shrugs.

"this is so stupid...why are we risking getting caught?"

"i dunno." he shrugs again.

"so then what are we doing?"

"you ask me one more question and i'm
beating the shit out of you." andrew continues waking.


bender opens his locker, and there's a bunch of junk and graffiti, in, and all over it.

"slob!" andrew mumbles under his breathe.

"my maid's on vacation." he jokes back.

bender pulls out a bag of marijuana.

brian's heart drops and he smells the bag. "drugs?"

"screw that bender...put it back!" andrew yells quietly.

bender walks away.

"drugs. that boy had marijuana!"

claire walks after bender.

"that was marijuana!" brian still worried, talks to the remaining group.

"shut up!" andrew follows the other two.

brian looks at allison who is standing there with her mouth open. "do you approve of this?"

brian turns and leaves, shaking his head. allison steals the lock off of bender's locker, and follows the teenagers.


"we'll cross through the lab, and then we'll double back." bender states.

"you better be right, if vernon cuts us off, it's your fault, asshole!" andrew says angered.

brian looks to claire. "what'd he say? where're w-we going?" the worried boy stutters.

they see vernon down one of the halls, and immediately run. when they finally come to a stop, they see vernon again—he was getting water in front of them with his back turned, so they run off again.

"wait! wait, hold it! hold it! we have to go through the cafeteria!" bender yells.

"no, the activities hall!" andrew fights.

"hey man, you don't know what you're
talking about!"

"no you don't know what you're talking about!"

allison squeaks to give them a remainder that they need to hurry up.

"now we're through listening to you, we're going this way."

they all go andrew's way and run into a hall closed by an iron gate.


"great idea jagoff!" bender glares at the boy.

"fuck you!"

"fuck you!" claire reverses the words. "why didn't you listen to john?!" she snaps to the andrew.

"we're dead!" brian interrupts.

"no, just me." bender looks to claire.

"what do you mean?" brian asks.

"get back to the library, keep your unit on this!" bender puts his bag of marijuana into brian's underwear, he then runs away singing loudly. "i wanna be an airborne ranger..." which eventually catches vernon's attention.

"that son of a bitch!" vernon looks for bender, until he finds him in the gym.

bender goes up for a basket. "three...two...one!" he dunks the ball, right when vernon enters.

"bender! what is this? what are you doing here, what is this?!" he yells.

"oh, hi there!"

"out! that's it bender! out! it's over!"

"don't you wanna hear my excuse?"


"i'm thinking of trying out for a scholarship!" he stalls.

"gimme the ball bender." the teacher holds out his hands.

bender fake throws the ball at vernon. he then sets the ball down and rolls it at the teacher who kicks it back at him, and then they leave.

they both enter the library, where the rest of the group is. "get your stuff, let's go!" he pushes the boy. "mr. wiseguy here has taken it upon himself to go to the gymnasium. i'm sorry to inform you, you're going to be without his services for the rest of the day."

"B-O-O H-O-O!" the criminal rolls his eyes and flips his curls away from his face.

"everything's a big joke, huh?" vernon shakes his head. "the false alarm you pulled, friday.. false alarms are really funny, aren't they?! what if your dope was on fire?"

"impossible, sir, it's in johnson's underwear."

brian's eyes grow wide and mouth drops. andrew also laughs.

vernon looks to andrew. "you think he's funny? you think this is cute? you think he's bitchin', is that it? lemme tell you something—look at him, he's a bum." he turns to everybody. "you wanna see something funny? you go visit john bender in five years! you'll see how god damn funny he is!"

vernon walks over to bender. "what's the matter, john? you gonna cry? lets go!" vernon grabs bender's shoulder.

"hey keep your fucking hands off me! i expect better manners from you, dick!"

bender takes his sunglasses out of his pocket and lays them in front of andrew. "for better hallway vision!"

bender leaves, but not before pushing stuff over on the way.

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐛™️ [✓]Where stories live. Discover now