Chapter 8.1: Aftermath

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  The dust settled and as Nathan and I  were faced with the man that attacked his friend, I readied myself for another fight. This guy was tough and Nathan was prepared to jump in as well.

  "Hey why did you knock him out, he's on your side dumbass!" I yelled pointing at the third one.

  "He's annoying, he doesn't listen, but you intrigued me kid, what's your name? Mines Chase." He answered. I was blank faced. This guy was interested in me?

  "It's Joseph and what do you want, I thought you were here for my friend. Why are you interested in me?" I asked him taking a step closer. What's his plan?

  "Oh that, that was their problem, I just tagged along and saw this potiental in you Joseph. You were quick to react, even though it was sloppy. You looked suppressed, were you holding back?" Chase asked me his curiosity overflowing.

  I pulled up my joggers to show two 20 lb weights taped to my ankles and he seemed to let out a chuckle. I was confused. "Does he think i'm weak?!" I put my pants back into place. He took  off the sweater he was wearing and to my suprise, on his forearms were 25 lb weights.

  "What! He trains like this too!?" He grabbed his sweater and tossed it to me. Once I caught it my eyes widened. This sweater was padded with tiles, small ones. This was insane, my methods were inferior to his. I gave him back his sweater.

  "Ok, so we have something in common, so tell me how would you like to join a underground fight club? You'd fit right in with your experience, trust me you'll be able to take the C-class fighters." Chase was putting his sweater back on.

  "What do you mean, C-class fighters? What type are you and what classes are there. What type am I!" I kept blurting out questions, I wanted to understand.

  "A-class" Chase responded. I looked at him.
  "Of course he is, that's pretty high." I thought.

  "You however, are D-class material. Your strong but you hesitate to much, your actions are too slow and sloppy!" He told me. "D-class, ok I understand now." I kept thinking.

  "What about the club, how do I get in?" I asked. I really was curious now. Chase smiled. He looked like he really wanted me to go. "This club, see the way to get in, you have to fight one match to get in."

   "When can I fight?" I furrowed my brows as I asked. "Let me see if I can get you in one in a weeks time, by then you'll be on christmas break no?"

  "Yes, fine just let me think about this." He said that I had to answer until the next weekend ended. "Well heres my number, don't disappoint men" He said as I grabbed the card he handed to me.

  I thanked him and he left picking his friend while waking up the other one.

  I went back to the theater, while Nathan went home. He was not to say anything about this as I already had been known.

  I realized I had to talk to Leo over this and planned to go to his house once the day ended.

  Vanessa was waiting for me in the theater still. "Oh she didn't ditch me, thank god, hopefully she's not mad." As I sat down I tried to talk to her and made up and excuse as to why I made her wait. She bought it and soon the movie ended.

  She ended up going to my house but didn't stay due to my mom being home and due to my plans later.

Whats going to happen next, will Joseph say yes?!  Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!


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