Angels are Falling

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Life is just cruel letting the populars and jocks slide on through life..

The people that make other feel like nothing's can easily find love.

They get eternal happiness as children of the light, god sent angels!

While we, the demons an the darkness was that lurk within every corner of a party or home alone crying thinking no one will ever love us!

We are outcast!

Pushed aside and unwanted just because we are different!!!


We all have a purpose!

Tell me what gives you the right to tell some poor girl who is starving herself that she's fat!!!

Why do you feel the need to torment the guy who walks down the halls with cuts down his arms all because people like you have broken his beautiful soul!!

Maybe next time think before you speak!!

What would you do if they where gone tomorrow!!

All because you thought that laughing at some poor kid tripping in the hall was funny!!

If you could be us, the black winged angels who have fallen from your ever so graceful heaven and have to go living day to day just trying to fight the monsters that have been created from are own thoughts would you still tease us then?

What if we finally hit the bottom would you still be singing you silly rhymes well a teenager with there whole life ahead of them was being lowered into the ground!!!

SIX feet under we're they finally could rest from there minds that raced all through the night while you slept in you cloud like beds without a worry in the world!!

Stand up for the broken!!

Do not be someone who watches from a distance!!

Speak out for the people like us, my brothers and sisters falling...

Trying to keep afloat because one day our wings may give out and we will be gone...





You only live one life...

make it worth more then millions of others!!!!!

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