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I went to my first class like everyone else. On that route I usually pass through the hallway where my locker is and when I walked passed it I saw a note hanging on it. I took it off and opened it. It was a picture from the newspaper! A picture that showed the bodies of my family being carried away!! I was furious! I looked at the written part and read it to myself. You never deserved this family. I did!! You let them die!! The note said. It was a weird note. The handwriting I recognised. It was a male, that was for sure since it was way too sloppy. I placed the note in my pocket and continued on to my class.

I walked into Mrs. Wenchester's class and saw Mikey, Nathan, Kwan and Valarie already here. I smiled at Mrs. Wenchester and she smiled back. I sat down in my seat where I usually sit and waited for everyone to arrive. I looked at the note that was taped to my locker. I felt eyes on me and started to look around. I caught Star looking at me. Could she be the one who wrote this note? I have to see her handwriting first. I once got a glimpse of what she was writing once and it was messy. I gotten an idea and made a invisible clone. The clone  flew above Star and looked at what was on her desk. So far she didn't have a book out. So I waited.

She dropped a tear and I smirked. That's what you get. She then pulled out a book. I closed my eyes and my vision was now more at the clone. She opened it at the first page. It was neatly writen. She turned a few pages and I saw the messy handwriting. It was her. Nah, I'll kill her tomorrow. I'm too tired to think of that now. The bell rang and everyone rushed in, so Mrs. Wenchester started with the role call like usual.

Once she was done she turned to me."Dan, when the day ends, I quickly want to talk to you." Mrs. Wenchester said and I looked at her confused. She smiled and she started with the schedule."Now, that most things are out of the way, I'm going to reveal the location of the field trip." She said and everyone had their absolute attention at Mrs. Wenchester."We have a field trip to the...Ghost Zone?" She read confused."Mrs. Wenchester. Are you sure you read right?" I asked raising my hand."Is Fenton afraid?" Dash asked mockingly."I'm not afraid! In fact I've been there before!" I said."Oh, what does it look like then?" Kwan asked."There's no sky, no land. Only floating islands and purple doors. The 'sky' is black and green. If you don't believe me then, that's your problem." I said."How could you know? You're not a ghost hunter!" Star shouted."Have you heard Jack and Maddie Fenton, my ghost hunting parents." I snapped. Everyone turned their heads away.

He is right. I am afraid. Now I have to protect all of them!! What kind of sick world is this?!

At Clockwork
"Mind explaining why they out of all people chose this place for a field trip?"
"Mind explaining why they out of all people chose this place for a field trip?"
"You said that twice."

"And because, I found a way to force Daniel to see that he is taking a dangerous path." Clockwork said."Clockwork, you aren't aloud to butt in. You must interfere in this case!" Eyeball One said."Either, you let them come here or Dan Phantom will reappear!" Clockwork snapped."Fine. If they find something out they aren't aloud to know, then you know what to do!" Eyeball Two said."You two are imbeciles.  You act before you think. I'm the one who knows what will happen and know how to avoid it. So you two can shut up." Clockwork snapped, his eyes glowing dangerously."You dare speak to us like that!" Eyeball One said."Without me, you two will struggle. No one needs to see that to know that." Clockwork said and they shutted up."Fine. Remember our warning!" They said at the same time before leaving.

Clockwork turned around and looked at Danny's future. He saw him being what he is and always will be. He nodded at the sight and went to a different room. When he walked in, he was immediately in sight of two teenagers that are tied up and gagged."Don't worry, you'll be free soon." Clockwork said and the teens continued struggling. They had to get to their friend before he decides something he'll regret."Hummhm,o,hejeowm." Came out of one of the teens mouth that was gagged."You will be free soon, but first you're staying here." Clockwork said as he knocked them out again?

Book1 PDS: Danny Phantom:The Unavoidable Future Is Set Where stories live. Discover now