Chapter 6

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"What was that all about?" Samantha asked from the couch.

"Oh yeah, Kate? Will you be fine here home alone for a couple of months?" I asked Kate.

"I guess if Samantha's here. And what was that phone call about?" Kate said repeated what Samantha had said.

"Oh. Me and Megan are going on tour with One Direction and working with their stylist" I said as if it were nothing. Kate and Samantha's jaws dropped.

I ran up to my room and texted Louis. When will we leave? I asked him. He replied a couple of minutes after the text sent, Next Thursday. Pack for two months xx.

Two months? Wow. I will probably be shopping a lot, so no need to pack all of my clothes. I sat on my suitcases and zipped them up.

***Next Thursday***

I was about to leave my room when I heard my phone buzz.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey El, it's Lou." I heard from the other end of the phone call. "We're coming to pick you up in an hour, then we'll leave for the airport."

"Okay. I will see you then, Lou!" I couldn't wait to see him, I missed him so much. I've only seen him once since our laser tag date. I ended the call and dialed Megan.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey. They're going to be here in an hour, so you might want to get over here."

"Yay I can't wait!" She screeched.

I half dragged half carried my suitcases down the stairs and I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled. Megan walked through the door with her suitcases and threw them by the stairs.

"I...can't...wait..." she smiled from ear to ear. "Are you even excited?! We get to go on tour with like THE FIVE HOTTEST GUYS IN THE WORLD." Megan exclaimed.

"I know, I know, I can't wait!" I honestly couldn't. Before we knew it Louis and the rest of the boys got here to pick us up and we started our hour long drive to the airport. I was wedged in between Louis and Harry and Megan was in the back with Niall and Liam while Zayn was in the front.

"You're it!" Louis said as he poked my arm. I rolled my eyes and poked him back. "Hey! No tag backs!" he exclaimed. I laughed and turned around to see Meg. Her and Niall were hitting it off pretty well.

"So Eleanor. I heard from Louis that you're the hottest girl he's ever met. Is that true Louis?" Harry smirked. Louis turned his head and a deep shade of red dusted his cheeks. He looked cute like that...

We arrived at the airport and waited for our plane. Me and Megan decided to use a real bathroom while we had the chance. We walked in the ladies room and I stopped her. "Spill it" I demanded her.

"What are you talking about?" she looked confused.

"You and Niall. You like him, don't you?" I smirked and she playfully punched me in the arm.

"Maybe...but I know he doesn't like me. All he was talking about was Demi Lovato. Apparently they're going out? I don't know, it seemed like it." Megan looked to the ground dissapointedly.

"Don't worry. Some day your prince will come" I reassured her and she forced a smile. We walked out of the bathroom and boarded the plane with the boys.

I don't know if it was just a coincedence, but my seat was next to Louis and Megan's was next to Niall. Thirty minutes later, the plane lifted off and we were high in the sky.

"Eleanor" Megan whispered into my ear from behind me.


"Can I have Kate's number? I accidently typed it in wrong, and I texted some old man." she asked me and I laughed.

"Okay. Let me just get my pho-" Oh no. This can't be happening again. Someone can get ahold of Louis.

I left my phone in the bathroom.


Not my best chapter. BUT I'm so thankful for the 300 reads! You don't know how happy that makes me! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I will try my hardest to upload a lot sooner! Also sorry this chapter was kinda short ): Fan my sister and read her story! Her username is Next_Mrs_Styles and her story is called Pinky Promise. It's really good! Feedback on my story? It would mean a lot (: Thanks! Bye my lovelies (:

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