Chapter 4

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I shot upright in my beach chair and looked over at Louis, who had done the same. Lou jumped out of his beach chair and ran as fast as he could towards the scream. I followed, not so sure as to which direction the scream was. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me until I caught up with Lou.

He stopped dead in his tracks, staring out into the water. He was very pale, and he looked shocked and worried. I turned my head the same direction as him, and I couldn't believe my eyes.

"El. Eleanor." I felt something shake me. "Eleanor, wake up" the voice was Lou's. My eyes fluttered open, and I was covered in sweat, panting.

"Loui- I mean Lou, what happened?" I asked nervously.

"You must've had a bad dream. One moment we were having a conversation, and the next you were asleep. I fell asleep too, until I heard you screaming. Are you alright?" he was so kind.

"Yes. Can you take me home?" I asked. My stomach growled.

"Well" he laughed "why don't we get something to eat? You seem pretty hungry." he offered. I couldn't pass up dinner anymore. We had nothing at my house, and I didn't have any money.

"Just this once, Tomlinson. Just this once," I gave him a look of concern.

Ten minutes later, we arrived at McDonalds. Not my first choice, but I'm happy with anything right now. We walked up to the counter to order our food.

We sat down at a table near the window. "What number are we?" I asked.

"38" Louis responded. He was on his phone. It looked like he was on twitter.

"I need to get a job, Louis. I can't keep letting you pay for me. Where do you get all this money, anyway?" I asked him.

He looked up from his phone, jaw dropped, staring at me dumbfounded. Is there something I missed? "You've got to be joking. You've never heard of me?"

"Now that I think about it, you do look a bit familiar..." where do I know him from?

He looked back at his phone and started humming something. It sounded like a song that I've heard on the radio alot. Something like You Don't Know You're Beautiful? "That's What Makes You Beautiful! I remember now. Don't you sing in that song?" he nodded his head. How cool is that? I'm actually sitting in McDonalds right now with a celebrity, and I didn't even know it!

"That's amazing!" I said. Wow.

"Number 38? Number 38 anyone?" the man called.

"I got it" I smiled at him as I got up. I walked over to the counter too pick up the food. I saw my reflection through the shiny grey counter, and I had something all over my face. It was...above my lip...and on my chin...MARKER?! That boy's gonna get it! I mentally laughed.

I plopped the food down on the table, and immediately began eating. Halfway through my burger, I began "choking" on it. I grabbed my throat for dramatic effect, and stood upright in my seat.

"Eleanor. Eleanor! Are you okay? Eleanor!" Louis walked over with a worried expression on his face, and began patting my back. "Eleanor!" he yelled over and over again until I collapsed on the ground. "Eleanor...I'm so sorry!" he sounded all choked up.

I couldn't keep it up! I burst out laughing, spitting my food all over the place. I was laughing so hard, I couldn't help it!

"ELEANOR TOMLINSON! THAT IS NOT FUNNY!" he yelled. He didn't look that worried anymore... before I knew it, we were both laughing as hard as we could! We couldn't control it, until one of the workers came over and gave us a warning.

We finished our food, and Louis dropped me off at home. I closed the door, dropped my bag, and noticed Kate had a friend over. "Who's the friend, Kate?" I asked her. She looked at me and smiled. "This is Samantha. We're having dinner, if you don't mind?" I knew what that meant.

I walked upstairs and plopped down on my bed, thinking about the most amazing day I've had in forever. I dressed in my pajamas, and flipped on the television. I was surfing through channels until I drifted off into a deep, nice sleep...


I woke up to the sound of a phone call. "Lou" my caller ID read.

"Hello?" I answered trying not to sound too sleepy.

"How'd you sleep, love?"

"Great, you?"

"Fantastic!" Louis replied. "We need to meet up. Meet me at Starbucks. Hurry, IT'S URGENT!"


A/N HELLO LOVELIES! Sorry about the short chapter...:( I'm super tired again. How do you like my story? PLEASE comment on it or give me feedback? (: or just kik me! My kik is NiallsLuckyPrincess xD PEACE. Oh yeah, and fan me please? (: thx!

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