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Robin Lewis

October 13, 1992


'I think people who have faults are a lot more interesting than people who are perfect.' ~ Spike Lee

I quickly grabbed my pants and started to put them on, I struggled to get my right leg through my pants leg. I ran to my drawer looking for a shirt, I snatched up random stuff throwing them anywhere. I finally found a somewhat decent shirt and placed it over my head, not caring of it was clean or not.

I repeatedly cursed myself out in my head for not setting my alarm clock knowing I wanted to get up early so I could be one of the first to get the new Prince album, The Love/Prince Symbol Album. I was walking to my closet as I stubbed my toe against the leg of my end table.

"Shit." I hissed as I hopped to the closet on one leg

After I carefully put my shoes on, I grabbed my wallet and keys from the table I previously injured myself from before making my way to the living room. Before I walked out, I checked my face and hair in the small mirror on the wall, after I fluffed my hair until it looked decent, I walked out of the door making sure my knob was locked up tight

As I quickly walked down the steps, I saw my landlord, Mrs.Carmichael at her mailbox.

"Hello Robin, how you doing today?" she asked with a warm smile on her face. It looked like she wanted to start a conversation.

"Fine," I quickly replied, "I wish I could talk to you some more but I really gotta get going." I didn't wait for a reply as I made it outside the door onto the street.

I would've explained why I was in a rush but she wouldn't understand how important getting this album is to me. I've been listening to Prince since I was eight. After my dad bought his first album For You, I was in love after hearing the first song, and I've been buying and listening to his music faithfully for 12 years now. I would kill to have any of his music.

My name is Prince and I'm funky
My name is Prince, the one and only
I did not come 2 funk around
Till I be your daughter, I won't leave this town
In the beginning, God made the sea.

I lowly sung the lyrics to 'My Name Is Prince' as I finally made it inside of the record store going over to the funk/pop section of the shop. I urgently started to look for the record with my hands moving in a rapid pace.

I sigh escaped my lips as I walked over to the other side of the aisle desperately looking for the album once again.

"I know the album didn't sell out that quick." I mumbled to myself as I looked up from the slots scanning over the others next to it.

That's when I saw it, all by itself waiting to be picked up. My eyes lit up as I smiled walking over to the gorgeous record.

I reached out for it and placed my fingertips on it, but someone else did also. I knitted my eyebrows together as I stared at the crooked fingers that where on my album.

I looked up from the unknown hand to see a face that I was hoping to never see again during my natural born life.

"Can you please get your crooked finger off of my album." I snarled at him as we still both had our fingertips on the album.

Dominic scoffed, "I'm sorry sweetheart, but I don't see a label on here that says Property of Robin." he spoke smartly about to grab for the whole thing. I acted quickly as I snatched the album from him, holding it close against my chest.

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