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"A field trip? To Stark Tower? Man, I miss one day and this is what I miss! Goddamn," I sighed inwardly as I turned to face Allyssa, my friend since middle school.

She simply nods, "yeah, strange how the world works." She quickly turns to face me, "yo, are you coming over today? My mom needs to know how much she has to cook."

"Ooh, can't, sorry. I got to work on tele without the portion," I suck in a quick breath and make a funny face. Allyssa stifles a laugh and shakes her head.

"So teleportion?"

"What are you gonna do 'bout it?"

"Ooh, kinky!"

I gave her a look and she laughed at me.

"Ok, but seriously, I thought you already worked on that," Allyssa drops her voice by a few octaves and it makes her sound like she's whining. I simply shake my head.

"Tsk, tsk. It uses too much of my energy. And I gotta work on that," I told her, acting as if I was all knowing.

Allyssa rolls her eyes, "alright. See you, loser. Remember to get that form signed!"

"By who," I tell her, jokingly. She laughs but doesn't say anything. I turn to talk to the Children's House, as the owners call it. Meaning I'm gonna teleport there.

I walk into an alleyway a few blocks away from school and see a backpack on the ground. I roll my eyes and mutter, "kids these day. Dirty fiends."

I make a portal on the side of the wall that leads to the CH (Children's House) and quickly walk through it, desperate to head to the house.

As soon as I make it to the other side I hear screaming. Angry, mad screaming. I choose to ignore it as I lock my door and sit on the floor, a textbook in front of me.

I create a portal below it that has a stand, not a real stand but like a portal without teleporting the item. I hold the portal for a few minutes, focused on keeping it steady.

I feel some of my energy draining and so I quickly close the portal, not allowing the textbook to ever go through the portal.

There was another portal I wanted to try. I've only been able to do it on myself, not on any objects near me. I hold my hand out to the textbook, using all my willpower to try and teleport it without any portals.

Again, I've only been able to do it with stuff I'm holding and will be traveling with or if I just want to go somewhere. I don't favor this kind of teleportation though because it uses a lot of energy.

I'll stick with portals thank you very much.

I hear the screaming stop downstairs and take this as my time to get the paper signed. I stand up and walk to my door, unlocking it and heading towards the kitchen.

The building is pretty rundown but aside from occasional paint clippings of water clogs it's a pretty wet building. Maybe it's just because I've lived in trash buildings for most of my life.

Foster care can do that to you. I did not go with the best families, let me tell you that.

I waltz into the kitchen only to see a boy I've never even heard of before sitting there talking to the owner, Mr. Mars.

I wince a little when I hear Mr. Mars voice but I quickly recover and walk over it him. There's no way he'd scream at me when there's other unknown children around.

"H-hey, Mr. Mars. I need you to sign this permission sheet. It's for a field trip with the school."

"Where ya headin?"

"Uhm, Stark Tower, sir."

"Ah, that son of a bitch, Stark. Asshole of a boy, lemme tell ya."

"You didn't know him, sir."

"Better watch your mouth before you don't have one," Mr. Mars only says stuff in a normal voice if it's serious. I quickly shut my mouth and handed him the paper.

He signed it and turned back to the kid, who watched he entire thing play out. I gave him a short nod and went back up to my room. I shoved the paper in my bag and continued practicing teleportation without portals.

The most I was able to do was teleport a notebook. Some more practice and I should
be able to teleport big items.

I feel exhausted after practicing so much. I stand up from the floor and lazily get ready for bed. I walk over to my bed and sink into my blankets and pillows.

Before I knew it, I was asleep.

 Teleportion (Peter Parker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now