Seeing this sexy, playful side of Lisa caught Jin off guard and he did the only thing that came to his mind. He growled.


Jennie felt sick in her stomach. She had to fight hard not to throw up in the middle of the restaurant when she spotted her mother chatting animatedly with Joe.

I can't believe she's done that. Her mind was struggling not to let her body shake with anger. Scratch that. I can't believe he has done that.

The closer Jennie got to the table the whiter her knuckles became. She had been preparing herself for a confrontation with her mother but she got a set up with Joe instead.

"Hi baby." Joe stood up and waved off the waiter making a show of pulling the chair out for her. "You look fantastic."

"What is he doing here, mother?" Jennie completely ignored the man holding the chair and directed her gaze toward her mother.

"Well, hello to you too darling." Mrs. Kim flashed her sarcastic trademark grin.

"Don't start with me, mother." Jennie was about to lose her temper. "I thought this was a mother and daughter catch up dinner."

"Jennie, I don't mean to impose." Joe interrupted the glare war that was going on in front of him. "I talked to your mother and frankly I thought you knew I'd be joining you."

"Oh no, mom neglected to tell me that small detail." Jennie took her seat and narrowed accusative eyes at her mother. "Didn't you?"

"A small oversight, my dear, what can I say? It simply slipped my mind."

"Do you want me to leave?" Joe started to stand up but Mrs. Kim's hand kept him in place.

"Nonsense." Mrs. Kim sent a sharp look at her daughter. "We're all well-educated and civilized people here. We can have a perfectly polite conversation now, can't we?"

"Of course we can." Jennie released a long calming breath, relaxing visibly. "I'm sorry, Joe. I didn't mean to be rude. I apologize."

"That's more like it." Mrs. Kim relaxed as well. "Now let's order something to drink and you can start explaining what is going on between the two of you."

"There's nothing to explain." Jennie declared shortly. "Joe and I decided that we needed a break from each other."

"I don't understand Jennie. You two were just fine a couple of months ago. What happened?" Mrs. Kim alternated her look between the couple.

"Don't ask me. She's the one who's been acting crazy." Joe pointed to Jennie.

"Crazy?" Jennie snapped defensively.

"Yeah, I don't know what's going on with you, Jennie. You don't talk to me anymore. I even have the feeling that you've been avoiding me for a while now." Joe shook his head impatiently. "And every time I ask you what's wrong, you just say 'nothing'. I don't know what else to do." He softened his tone as he placed his hand on Jennie's. "I just know that I'm crazy about you and I'd do anything for us to go back to the way we were."

Jennie closed her eyes feeling the stinging of the tears. There was such honesty in Joe's words that made her heart ache. She felt him squeeze her hand and opened her eyes to meet his, but instead her vision was drawn to a red dressed figure walking by her table. Jennie looked up and felt an adrenaline shot course through her system as her eyes met familiar chocolate ones. As it seems to happen every time Jennie's eyes met Lisa's, time frozen. She became fully aware of her mouth getting dry and her heart thundering in her ears. The spell was broken when Jennie followed Lisa's gaze traveling to her hand that was being held by Joe. In an instant, Jennie yanked her hand away startling Joe and raising her mother's curiosity.

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