Chapter One

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Chapter One

I sit staring out the window, looking out over the breathtakingly picturesque view of mile high skyscrapers, sprawling as far as the eye can see, stretching to touch fluffy white clouds just beyond their reach...and mine. I listen as Ed Sheeran's voice smoothly pours out of the black speakers attached to my iPod in the corner of my bedroom in the apartment I share with my best friend, Carson Marie Adams, who is out on a date tonight. As the lyrics flooded out of the small, overpriced electronic, they compelled my body to move to the beat as sound waves bounced off the walls.

Swaying along to the music, I realized that I probably look extremely stupid seeing as I cannot dance by any means, however in this moment, I didn't care one bit. Because for the first time in a long time I was truly content. Not having to answer to anyone about what I was up to, who I was with, and most of all why.

I was broken out of my rare and peaceful moment by the ringing of a phone. Looking around I realized it was not on the night stand where I had previously left it the night before. Frowning, I began my search for the elusive object using the sense of sound. After frantically crawling on the ground, it was found under my bed like I had been knocked off in the night, which is possible.

Clicking the lock button, the phone lit itself up showing a missed call from my younger by six years sister, Ellie. She may only be fifteen, but she is wise beyond her years. Getting off the ground, I tap the green icon to call back. As it rings, I stand back in front of the oversized glass window, preparing myself mentally for what she has to say.

She answered almost immediately as cheerful as ever, "hey Addie! Mom wants to know what time you and Tristan will be here for dinner and I thought I should give you a heads up and let you know that Trevor is bringing Colt." Trailing off at the end, I realize she knows about the awkward encounter we had last Christmas. Thinking to myself, wow it's been some time since our last meeting.

I'm not looking forward to seeing him for the first time in four months, but I can deal with a dinner. After all, he was a fairly attractive man with his short tousled brown hair, perfect smile, and one chocolate eye while the other is emerald. He was actually a little more than attractive with his boyish dimples and the birthmark at the corner of his green eye on the right. He is absolutely per-no! Stop thinking that about your brother's best friend. Besides, you have Tristan now, you love him, and I scolded myself for thinking such of another.

Hearing someone clearing their throat, it seems as though I had begun daydreaming of Colt while still on the phone. Zoning back into the conversation, "oh sorry, I guess I got lost in thought. Anyway, I'm about to leave and will Tristan to tell him the address and we'll be there in about twenty minutes without too much traffic. What time is mom serving tonight and what exactly are we eating? Because last time... It just didn't end well."

It's not that I don't love my mother dearly, but she isn't known for being a master chef, however you have to get the woman credit for trying. Raising three active children with an extremely busy husband and her being a nurse, she just doesn't have enough time to practice her cooking skills. With my brother and I out of the house, she has two less people to worry about, therefore, her cooking has gotten somewhat better. Needless to say, last time everyone got sick and we haven't eaten her meals since.

After quickly finishing our conversation, I rushed to grab my shoes and make myself look somewhat presentable for my parents' house. Searching for my car keys, wallet, and sunglasses, I found them sitting on the coffee table next to the monstrous plant Carson insisted we needed, which we didn't. It's actually quite surprising it has lived this long due to the fact the neither of us have a green thumb and are almost always busy, I don't know what that planted surviving off of but I could use some of that!

Stuffing everything in my pockets and putting on my socks, I quickly sent Tristan a text about my parents address. Rushing past the entry way, I quickly stop to check my makeup, fluff up my hair and apply my favorite cherry Chapstick. Walking out the door and into the hall, I got halfway to the elevator before realizing that I forgot to lock the door. Quickly doing that, I hit the button and begin waiting for the slowest elevator in the universe... I honestly hate this elevator.

The apartment complex Carson and I share in Boston, Massachusetts isn't a bad place, it's actually quite nice. It just has the slowest elevator in the world. We have been living here for almost two years now and while it came at a hefty price, we both fell in love with it and have been fine here since. Hearing the ding of the elevator brings me back to reality and I am no longer on the fifth floor but on the first. I am reminded of how little time I have to get to my parents' house and quite frankly at the moment I want to yell at because I am late. Hastily greeting our desk clerk and door man, Thomas, before practically sprinting towards my cherry red Audi.

Looking down as I climb in, I realize that I had actually forgotten to put on my boots, I've just been wearing socks. After sighing to myself and putting on the glamorous boots, I start my car and head to my destination. Sitting at one of the stop lights I begin to let my mind drift off the Colt and the incident last Christmas. The nerve of some people! The only reason Tristan wasn't with us was because he was visiting his family on the outskirts of Chicago. Anyways, as we all decided to pass around presents, Colt's girlfriend of a few months randomly blows up on me, claiming that because he had feelings for me, he would never love her. As if I was intentionally causing issues in their relationship. However, to defend himself, he said he had never had feelings for me and doesn't understand why anyone would! The jerk! We haven't seen each other since then.

After pulling into the driveway of the average size white cottage that they had purchased my freshman year of high school nearly seven years before. Sitting in my car I do a mental check. In case worse comes to worse, I have everything close at hand, if I need to leave in a hurry. My trainer's number and gym card if Colt pisses me off. And of course the classic pepper spray, who knows when a girl will need it. Looking out the window, I spot Tristan's silver Lincoln pull up by the curb. I run my hand through my long blonde hair, sigh and put a smile on my face as I say a quick prayer, stepping out of the car just as my boyfriend does. We give a quick kiss, and clutching each other's hands, we walked up the steps to the front door. Lord help me get through this meal, I think to myself before we walk in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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