dose ava/white tiger marry harry and spider man wants his powers back?5

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ava/white tigers.P.O.V:SHANE WAIT LISTEN PLEAS i told shane trying to stop him from packing but he didn't listen i went to kiss him but he pushed me away shane i love you please don't leave me or new york i told him while crying why should i i mean you wouldn't even tell me where they were shane told me that and my heart sank SHANE I HAVE TO MARRY HARRY! i told him then realized what i said and he threw the suit case across the room and nova came in and stoped shane from running out DUDE CALM DOWN!nova/sam told him sam did you know?shane asked him know what shane that ava has to marry harry yes we all know why?he asked shane wow get out of my way nova.shane told nova. shane ava is marrying harry to protect YOU ava hit nova in the arm NOVA SHANE DIDN'T NEED TO KNO- i was cut off by shane kissing me and i kicked nova out of mine nad his room and kissed him back and we layed on the bed and made out i love you ava shane told me i love you too shane.

shane/spider mans.P.O.V:i love you ava.i told her i love you too shane she said back the next day she was there waiting for me to be there for her wedding but i was not there yet i went to get my powers back from doc oc hey doc oc can i have my powers back?i asked him and he hugged me.i thought you would never ask! he injects my powers in and hands me my suit now go save white tiger from harry he told me i will doc oc and thank you for everything i told him as i swinged off to the wedding i saw harry about to kiss white tiger becuse her mask was lifted up to her mouth and i webbed harrys mouth.NO ONE KISSES MY GIRLFRIEND BUT ME everyone turned and saw me in a tux but with my spider man mask on with gloves and they didn't know i had my suit on under it oh come on spider man wanna be spider man has his full suit mask and boot on not a tux or mask with gloves harry said. i ripped the tux off and took the shoes off to show my suit and red boots and the legs had blue same as back and arms.WHAT NO WAY HOW DID YOU GET YOUR POWERS BACK everyone stood up and got in my way i sung above them and punched harry in the jaw and when he got up he went to punch me but i grabed it and uppercuted him and elbowed him and when he got up and pulled a gun out and started to shoot at me but i dodged every bullet but then i heard someone fall right behinde me i saw white tiger on the floor bleeding NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i punched harry right in the mouth and kept punching him when everyone realized what was going on they tried to pull me off of harry but i kept punching harry in the face and he was coughing up blood and i still didn't stop YOU JERK YOU SHOT MY GIRLFRIEND i yelled at harry and kept punching him it took iron man captain amreica hulk and thor to pull me off of harry and when he got up he grabbed white tigers arm and put the ring on her and kissed her and i was so angry i tackled harry and threw him outside and went outside after him and picked him up and punched him in the gut everyone in new york saw and tried to stop me but the cops blocked them off saying harry shot white tiger and spider man is just beating harry up for shooting his wife a.k.a spider mans girlfriend and when everyone thought i would stop when harry said please stop i want to go to jail for life i threw him up and shot webs at him and pulled him back down he was on his knees and i grabed him by the neck.SPIDEY DON'T KILL HIM i looked and saw white tiger standing holding her wound while a doctor was looking at it and i let harry go he pulled out another gun and aimed it at white tiger i tackled him and kept punching him and then a shot went off and i coughed up blood and i started to choke harry but nova pulled me off of harry and it gave me time to web my wound up i saw harry get up and pull a knife out and go for white tiger so i threw my self at him and tackled him again and threw the knife away from him and slamed him on my knee wich broke his back hulk made a hole and held harry still THIS IS MADNESS harry yelled. NO THIS IS NEW YORK(SPARTA XD)and kicked him in the hole and his neck snaped

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