8. Just Another Day (final)

Start from the beginning

Oh god, I probably shouldn't have let it go so far. What if he thought I was a slut? Or worse, what if he got what he came for and that was the end of it?

I knew I'd probably been in the bathroom far too long, and so I braced myself to go back to my room.

I knew there would be this awkward moment where Robin would say he had to go home, and I'd have to act as though I was fine with that and he hadn't just come for a booty call.

I splashed some water on my face, took some deep breaths and went back to my room.

I walked in feeling like a stretched rubber band waiting to snap, but the view that greeted me in my bedroom made the tension dissipate immediately.

Robin was lying on my bed, wearing just the shorts I'd leant him, and he was sprawled out on his back fast asleep.

I knew he was asleep because of the deep breaths he was taking, and the fact that his mouth was hanging open just a little, in way that would look unappealing on anybody else but Robin.

I tiptoed across the room and turned on my bedside lamp before turning the main light off, then I gently lowered myself on the bed next to him.

I couldn't help but stare. The soft glow of the lamp made his skin appear more tanned than it actually was, and the shadows caught all the contours of his body making me want to reach out and stroke the beautiful sight that lay before me.

I stared at his face, mesmerized by things that I had never seen before, like the tiny freckles on one of his cheeks, and his eyelashes, that up this close were unbelievably long.

Robin's mouth closed as he swallowed, and he started to roll over so I quickly shut my eyes, pretending I hadn't been staring.

"Hmmm, your back," Robin murmured, scooting close to me and wrapping an arm over me protectively. "Is it ok if I stay the night? I'm too tired to go home."

"No, that's fine," I quickly replied, "I'll just have to set my alarm so I can sneak you out before my parents get up."

"Great," he said, then he kissed me on the side of the head before instantly falling back asleep.

I chuckled lightly at his ability to do that, then reached over and set my alarm before turning off the lamp.

There wasn't exactly much of the night left. But with Robin's arm wrapped around me, and his steady breathing like a lullaby in my ear, it wasn't long till I was fast asleep too.



I woke up with a jolt, my hands planting themselves firmly on the bed to give myself some sort of anchor onto reality.

My heart was racing as I pulled myself out of my dream. Or should I say nightmare. I'd been dreaming that I was walking down a busy street and everyone was pointing at me and whispering with each other while looking at me, but I didn't know why. When I asked them, they just scuttled away leaving me more and more frustrated. And then I saw Noah, so I ran over to him. But as soon as I got to him, he was gone. And then I could see him being dragged away by the crowd. And I could see he was trying to get back to me, but he couldn't. And as much as I pushed and shoved my way through, he just seemed to be getting further and further out of reach.

A movement next to me made me jolt for the second time in the space of a minute.

My eyes snapped open, then quickly focussed on the cause of the movement.

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