Intro, Warnings, and All The Jazz

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Ya girl is back with another book, self-control absolutely burning in the pits of hell

It's official, I don't care what school says, next chapter will be up this week and algebra 2 can kiss my ass goodbye

Now onto the shpeal about stealing my shit

My books are my babies, and I don't care if it's my covers, my plots, my characters (Except the ones owned by Marvel, then feel free to write fanfiction with me we can pretend Infinity War never happened) and you're dead meat if you steal them. 

If I get wind of any of it, you're going down punk. The solution? Maybe don't steal my crap???? wow????

My characters are fictional (sadly), and any correlation to the real world is purely coincidental. 

honestly, I'm screaming???? Pull has 1,000 votes???? why?????

Also, I might be changing my name on Wattpad??? We'll see????

Stay not dead,

~Who even is this anymore??~

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