27- Truth

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A month has gone by since Christian proposed to Ainsley, she was all moved in and had put her house up for sale. Every morning when he wakes up and night before bed he talks to her growing bump.

He hadn't heard a word from Kristy or has had any run ins with her. He still was unsure if she was pregnant or not. With not having her number in his phone anymore he wasn't able to call her and see how things were going, he also hadn't said a word to Ainsley and knew he better soon before it was too late.

They walk into the doctors office and Christian starts feeling nervous.

"What's wrong?" Ainsley asked as she saw a ghost look on his face.

"Nothing, I feel nervous."

"What for?" She giggled.

"I don't know." He said running his hands through his hair as he looked around seeing pregnant woman as well as woman with their babies sitting in the waiting room.

"I guess it's because I've never had to do this before, I worry about if everything is OK."

She giggled on the inside as they sat down to wait. "Don't worry, I'm sure everything is fine." She smiled as she leaned into his ear. Resting her head on his shoulder he then wrapped his arm around her as they waited to be called.

"Ainsley." They nurse called out. Ainsley and Christian followed her back to the room after getting her current weight, Ainsley was surprised that she hadn't gained a pound since her first visit and started to worry. The nurse took her blood pressure and asked how the pregnancy was going and asked if she had any concerns.

"I guess the only concern would be that I haven't gained any weight since I was last here."

"That's OK, you're still pretty early in the pregnancy, but you should be gaining a little bit soon." She smiled. "The doctor should be in soon." She handed her a gown to change into and had her lay on the bed.

The doctor came in and checked over Ainsley "Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" The doctor asked.

"Yes please." Christian says as he stood next to Ainsley. The doctor placed the heart monitor on her stomach and they got to listen to the heartbeat, Christian stepped back after hearing the sound of the heartbeat and fell over, causing Ainsley to laugh. The doctor walked over in a hurry and helped him up asking if he was OK.

"I'm fine... I tripped."

The doctor then grabbed a chair placing it next to Ainsley and had him sit down. He pulled out the ultrasound machine and started to look to make sure the baby was growing OK. He was pleased that everything looked good and had printed out copies handing them a group of pictures of the ultrasound.

"It was nice to see you again, will see you again soon." He smiled before leaving "Oh and Christian, I suggest when it comes time for delivery that you consider sitting on a chair during the birth." The doctor chuckled.

"Wise guy." Christian muttered.

After her appointment Christian took her shopping looking for baby items, wanting to get started on a room. They went crib shopping, stocked up on some diapers, clothes and other necessities needed. He was growing more anxious and couldn't wait to be a dad.

"We don't have to buy everything now." Ainsley laughed. "I would like to buy more once I know what we're having."

"I know, I just figured to get started."

"Plus Kalina is planning a baby shower anyways, so I'll be getting more things as well."

"Well it's my job to help out." He starts to say and then pauses after thinking about what he said, and thought about Kristy. Breathing in heavy and faster he started to get nervous trying to find the right words. He didn't want to hold it in any longer and didn't want to see her upset if she were to find out another way or even from someone else.

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