7- Respecting Ainsley

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"Kiss me." Ainsley whispered as she looked at Christian. His lips went to hers tenderly kissing her, his heart felt a flutter the way she kissed him back. Parting her lips allowing his tongue access, she could still taste the whiskey on his breath.

His kiss sent her through a wild frenzy, causing a soft moan come out of her as her hands crept up to the back of his head pushing him tighter against her lips. "Whatever you are doing to me. I like it." She moaned quietly in his mouth.

As sparks flew between them he lifted her up carrying her over to Carter's couch, as bad as Christian would love to have his way with her. He was feeling something different with her, something that he has never felt before with any girl that he has been with. For once in his life he wanted to get to know someone first and wasn't wanting to rush her into sleeping with him.

"What is it exactly that I am doing to you?" He whispered as he carried her to the couch.

"My insides are fluttering like crazy, and I cannot control it." She says quietly wrapping her arms tighter around him smiling with a nervous giggle.

Laying her down and gently laying on top of her he kissed her for what he felt like was for hours, he fought himself as he wanted to be inside her. Rolling on his side he turned her body to face him, shifting his one arm under her head, using the back of his other hand he caressed her cheek giving her a smile as he looked at the blonde blue eyed beauty staring back at him.

"You really are beautiful." He says to her quietly.

Leaning closer to his face she smiles as she touches her forehead against his "You keep giving me butterflies, what are you going to do to control them butterflies." She asked whispering before kissing him again. She could feel his bulge pressed against her, curious about it she started moving her hand down to to his cock, placing her hand over his cock to feel his hardness, making him gasp as he felt her hand around him.

Ainsley and Christian then had jumped when they heard a loud noise coming from the kitchen area, removing her hand from his cock Christian leaned up looking over the couch "Don't mind us, wherever you two are." Carter said loudly as he and Kalina walked through the house bumping into walls.

"Go to bed." Christian yelled out, both he and Ainsley start snickering as they listened to the two drunkards laughing and tripping as they walked to his room. Christian laid back down, placing a small kiss on Ainsley's lips.

Ainsley laid there in Christian's arms loving the fact that as much as he was hitting on her all night he didn't try getting in her pants, it was her wanting to get in his pants and testing him to see what he would do. Feeling content she closed her eyes and had fallen asleep, with him falling asleep not too much long after her.

The next morning he had opened his eyes with Ainsley still sleeping in his arms, he couldn't believe they slept there on the couch all night, most notably surprising himself that he didn't try to sleep with her, even when she tried feeling him below. He slowly pulled his arm out from beneath her trying not to wake her, kissing her cheek as he climbed over her and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

As he stood there drinking his water, he thought about everything that had happened the night before. He looked over at his phone that he left on the counter and saw it blinking. Grabbing his phone he looked through his phone reading messages that he had recieved throughout the night.

One from Samantha telling him to never contact her again, one from Kristy who was obviously drunk since he couldn't make sense out of her messages, and a couple more from some other girls that he had slept with asking for him to come over.

After meeting Ainsley and was extremely interested in her he felt that he wasn't going to be contacting them other girls again and deleted their messages. He then started going through his phone deleting their phone numbers as well.

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