Chapter 4

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Dedicated to @brynsaysyolosweg :) thank you for commenting and reading my story it means a lot!!!!

Nathan's POV:

I was sitting on the couch looking at my hands just messing around. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened today. I finally decided to look up and saw that Emily had walked back in the room and her face was a little pale, and I smelled something but I couldn't put my finger on what it was. All of a sudden Tom grabbed Emily's arm and pulled her into our kitchen. 'Isn't that ironic, we have a kitchen but we can't use it' I thought. Just then Tom yelled something and we all rushed in to see what was going on.

I was the first to get there and my body fell to the floor. There was a beautiful girl lying on our kitchen floor, her body lifeless. The guys gasped at something and Jay walked out of the room. Tom was crying, wait Tom was crying? I looked at him and he had tears rolling down his face. I picked Emily up to carry her to a hospital but Tom took her from me. "Go get Jenna" he said very seriously. He ran out of the house and I turned to the remaining guys. "Nathan..." Max started but I cut him off "We have to save her" I screamed, I couldn't lose her.

I ran to Jenna's house not far from ours, Jenna was one of the few vampires who had sympathy for humans, mainly because she is part human. Her mom was a very powerful vampire and when she met her husband she fell apart and when she gave birth to Jenna she couldn't take it. Jenna doesn't talk much about her family because she feels the loss of her mom is all her fault. "JENNA ITS NATH WE NEED YOU NOW!!!!" I yelled busting into her house. "Let's go" she said before I could even tell her what was going on.

We soon ran through the doors of 'Avertly Hospital and Rehabilitation Center' and to the front desk. "What room is Emily in?" I asked the lady at the desk. She looked up from her computer, "what's her last name sir?" She asked rudely. "I don't know, listen my friend brought her in a little while ago and she's cousin and I need to see her!" I screamed. "NATHAN OVER HERE" I turned to see Jay waving his hands for us to follow him. We ran down a few halls before Jay stopped, 'Room 202 A' I said in my head. Jay opened the door and I pushed past him. My eyes filled with tears as soon as I saw Emily. Her skin pale and the sheets she was laying on, her hair tangled, her beautiful eyes shut. I looked at her body but couldn't find what was wrong, until I looked at her arms.

I couldn't hold back my tears any longer, her tiny arms were wrapped in bandages and some spots had little red stains. "Tom, what did she do?" I said quietly, "Nathan....she passed out from one of her...cuts" he said and I couldn't take it. I punched a hole in the wall nearest to me, I pulled my arm out of the wall and sunk to the ground. 'How could someone so beautiful do that to their body' I thought. "Um guys could you give Em and I a minute alone?" Jenna said, everyone left the room quietly. I didn't want to leave but Max pulled me out sand shut the door. I just hope Emily is ok....

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