"She's in the kitchen." He said and opened the door wider. He took me into the house and left Zayn standing outside. "I'm not here or anything." Zayn scoffed as he let himself in the house, shutting the door behind him.

"Oh, Greg. Did you get the eggs?" My moms voice echoed around the kitchen walls, as she tended to something on the stove. "Mom-" Greg started, but she cut him off. "Jesus, Greg! I asked you get one thing!" She exclaimed, making Greg roll his eyes.

"Mom!" He yelled. "What?" She said as she turned around. Her eyes widened when she saw me, and a smile broke out on her face. "Crystal." She breathed and came towards me, wrapping me in a hug. "I've missed you so much." She cried as she hung onto me.

"I've missed you too." I said feeling my eyes start to water. "Look at you." She said pulling back with her hands on my shoulders. "You're so beautiful." She said and I laughed. "It's only been a few months, I couldn't have changed that much." I told her.

"You did. You've grown up." She smiled and I nodded. "As much as I'd love to watch your reunion, I really don't like being ignored." Zayn complained and I turned around to glare at him. "Who's this?" My mom asked me with an unsure look on her face.

"This is-" Zayn cut me off. "Zayn Malik, ruler over the upper class regions. Pleasure to meet you." He smirked at her as he shook her hand. "So, are you Crystal's owner?" She said with a hard stare. "No, God, no." I cringed.

"I would've already been dead if he was my slave owner." I said with disgust. "Watch it." Zayn said with a warning tone. "Please, Harry wouldn't let you touch me." I told him and he seemed defeated with that sentence.

"Wait, Harry?" Greg's confused voice broke into the conversation. "Like, Lord Harry?" Greg asked and I nodded. "He's my owner." I told them and their eyes widened. "I thought he only took upper class girls?" My mom asked and I shrugged.

"The woman at the auctions put me with the upper class girls." I told her and she frowned. "You could get into so much trouble for that Crystal! You could be killed!" She yelled with worry on her face. "Harry knows already." I explained which made her even more confused.

"He didn't get rid of you? Or hurt you in anyway?" When she said this Zayn let out a laugh. "Harry wouldn't lay a finger on her. He worships the ground she walks on." Zayn said and I glared at him. "No he doesn't." I insisted.

"Okay, so when's the last time he made you do anything, slave wise?" He asked with a smirk. I started to talk, but he cut me off. "Other than taking care of the stables." He said and I opened my mouth a few times, but I couldn't think of anything.

"Since the night the palace got raided, he's treated her like gold." He told my family and I shrugged. "I mean, I guess he puts up with me." I said and Zayn scoffed. "Puts up with you? He wouldn't be sucking your face if he didn't actually like you." He said and I gasped.

"Sucking your face?" My mother asked with a horrified expression. "He kissed you?" Greg asked with his eyes widened. "That was once! How do you even know about that anyway?" I asked turning towards Zayn. 

"Did you kiss him back?" My mom questioned. "Yes, she did." Zayn said and I glared at him. I was fuming at this point. How dare he tell my family all of this stuff? Especially after I haven't seen them in months.

"Why would you do that?!" Greg yelled. "He almost died! I wasn't going to shove him off of me! He was injured!" I defended. "You still didn't need to kiss him back." Zayn said. "Was I supposed to sit there like a robot and do nothing?" I asked.

"You know what? Forget it. I can't believe I let Harry ask you to go with me." I yelled at Zayn and went out of the house. I needed to cool down. This definitely wasn't how I expected to spend the first day back home.

I went through the woods and continued on the familiar path to the old tree house. I climbed up the wood ladder carefully. The wood was splitting and I didn't feel like falling and breaking something. When I got up I went into one of the old toy boxes and pulled out a few blankets.

I laid them on the splintering wood and then sat down on it. I sat there just staring out of the minuscule window of the tree house. I watched the clouds pass as I just thought of everything that had happened in these past months.

There was a crunch of leaves which made my heart beat accelerate. If there's a bear out there, I'm never coming down. I'll die up here. Maybe I'm overreacting just a little bit, or maybe my imagination has gotten the best of me.

"Knock, knock." A voice sounded making me jump. "Relax, it's just me." Greg's voice reassured me as he came to sit next to me. "You okay, little gem?" He asked, calling me by my old nickname. "No." I told him and put my hand on my chin.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours." He said tapping my head. "Zayn's a jerk." I told him and he nodded. "I got that vibe." He chuckled slightly. "You seem really on edge when he's around you." He pointed out and I nodded.

"When we met, he saw my necklace and he freaked out for some strange reason. He made me hide it really fast, so no one would see it. Which is really weird, considering he's a slave owner, he should've taken it from me." I shrugged.

"Then Niall told me that he was with him when he was bringing me food at one point, and he wouldn't stop talking about me, then he just kind of started hating me. Then the night of the attack happened." I sighed.

"He took me on the balcony and was fine, then the alarm sounded and he started being how he is now. An arrogant jerk." I spat. "What about Lord Harry?" Greg asked and I shrugged. "He's the complete opposite, actually." 

"When he first met me he was an arrogant jerk." I laughed. "He threw me into the prisons for using an elevator the first or second night, I can't remember. Then he let me out and he just changed, I guess." I shrugged, not really being able to describe it. 

"Then the night of the attack, it was actually the night of the Christmas slash New Year's party. He asked me to go with him, that's the day he let me start calling him just by his name. Then I was on the balcony with Zayn and you know that story." I sighed.

"Then when we got off of the balcony we went down the hall and I heard him basically dying, and something inside of me just broke. Then when he got out of surgery I went and saw him and he kissed me." I told him.

"I don't know whether to say he's the worst guy I've ever heard of, or the most genuine." I chuckled and Greg smiled at me. "You sound like you really care about him." Greg smiled. "I mean, I guess I do." I shrugged. 

"But, then Zayn comes into the picture and I just get lost." I said and Greg frowned. "I thought you hated Zayn, though." He said and I nodded. "I thought I did too, but something just attracts me to him." I told him and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well, there's only one thing you can do at this point." He said standing up. "What's that?" I asked. "Go talk to Zayn and figure out what his problem is." Greg said and held out his hand. I hesitantly took it and he pulled me up. "I guess I will." 


[A/N: I just wrote a 2100+ chapter in an hour and I had no clue what I wanted to write. I'm amazing, BUT IM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING WHEN I SHOULDVE. MY NEW UPDATE DAYS ARE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. (NOT FOR THIS WEEK)]

the necklace ⇢ z.mUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum