Chapter 4

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The next morning I am woken up by a knock.

"Wha...?" I mumble slightly.

"Breakfast in half an hour my lady." I hear Krista inform from outside my door. I get up and change my night clothes to a long wavy blouse and black jeans. I brush my hair before leaving for the dining hall. I sit next to the tired looking Hanji and she smiles at me.

"Good mornin'." She grunts before yawning, mother walks in and glances at our tires faces.

"Goodness, someone has woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." She quips before sitting down.

"Both sides of my bed are the wrong sides of my bed..." I mutter in reply causing her to chuckle. Only in the mornings do we have genuine chatter because we are both too tired to have real thoughts. Eren comes out with a tea set and pours us some of the warm liquid. I add cream and sugar to mine before taking a long sip. Food is served and I glance down to see an amazingly fluffy pancake stack on my plate. I gasp in delight and add some syrup before inserting the sweet breakfast into my mouth. After finishing my wonderful meal I smile in relief before excusing myself from the table. I leave to go to my room and grab the book and my bracelet which holds my fire gem. I head to the courtyard and look around. I don't see Levi anywhere so I sit underneath a nearby tree and read. The book has a lot of folklore behind the clans and their evolution. I get to the page in controlling fire and start reading about hand signs as I hear a thump next to me.

"You're an avid reader." I hear Levi's deep voice beside me and I lift my gaze to him.

"I've already read almost all of the books in the library so I'm excited to have something new." I reply before looking back down on the inky words.

"Do you even know how to use your gem?" He asks incredulously.


"Tch." He replies before walking off, I continue to sit underneath the tree and I hear him come back. "Here." He grunts causing me to lift my head. He stands next to a scarecrow which he probably took from a nearby farm. "I'll train you."

"Really?" My tail wags and my ears perk up. He glares at me before nodding. I stand up and take my place in front of the scarecrow. He teaches me how to create a flame and shoot it, hiding whenever guards walk past who watch on in awe at my new found talent. I train my ass off until the back doors of the castle open.

"Miss (Y/N), it's lunch time." Krista appears and I glance at the brambles where Levi had hidden to see him nod. I leave with Krista and head to the dining hall. This time mother is there first and I come in and sit down silently.

"We have captured a mutt working in the castle." She informs me and I freeze slightly.

"Who?" My voice wavers slightly and she continues harshly.

"Eren Jeager, one of the kitchen staff." She waves her hand airily. "I should've known that they would try and get close to the royals to impurify our genes." I nod slightly as Hanji walks through the doors.

"Sorry I'm late." She mutters as she sits down.

"Has he already been executed?" I ask mother after acknowledging Hanji's presence with a small nod.

"No, he's in the dungeon right now." I nod and eat my lunch quickly before excusing myself from the table. Instantly I hurry to the dungeon, knowing that the guards are having a lunch break. I stand in front of Eren's cell with the key hooked around my tail. He lifts his head and I can see that he had been crying. He gasps in shock.

"I-is it time for the execution already...?" He stutters out, trembling due to fear.

"Why did you come to work in the palace?" I ask him quietly.

"I-I needed money for my family..." He answers quickly. I nod before unlocking the door.

"Down that hallway, first door to the left. Go to the cherry blossom tree and you can jump over the wall and escape. Where is your family?" He stares blankly before shaking his head.

"J-just outside the wall."

"Go there and leave to a different village far away. Take this." I hand him a small bag of gold. "This should help you travel and pay for lodging long enough for you to get a new job." He nods before leaving the cell to shake my hand.

"T-thank you! Thank you so much!" I smile before encouraging him to speed up and I hang the dungeon key where I found it before going to the court yard to train some more. I sit against the tree and open my book as men burst through the doors with swords.

"Milady (Y/N)! Have you seen a mutt boy anywhere?!" General Shadis shouts in my direction, I lift my head and shake it.

"No?" I feign innocence before acting some more. "D-did someone escape?" I ask him, he notices my stutter and smiles.

"No one dangerous Princess. Just keep a keen eye out for anyone suspicious!" He frowns again before leaving with his miniature army across the courtyard. I look back down at my book again and smile softly.

"You let him out didn't you?" I hear the familiar voice coming from the nearby bramble bush. I nod before turning the page. I hear him sigh in annoyance. "Alright, get up and I'll teach you from here." I nod and make my way onto my legs. As I get into an attacking position the doors open again. I sigh in annoyance.

"(Y/N)." My mother's voice resonates across the courtyard. I stand still, ready for her next words.

"Yes?" I keep my tone calm as I create a flame before punching the scarecrow.

"Would you turn to face me?!" She snarls out causing me to sigh and turn to her. She nods slightly before continuing. "What did you do with the mutt boy?" She speaks quietly with a low tone in attempts to be scary.

"Nothing mother, I came straight outside after lunch." I tell her with confidence. She growls and throws a pointed finger in my direction.

"I know you had done something today and so help me I will find out what!" She snarls before going back into the castle.

The Kitsune and the Mutt. (Kitsune!Reader x Kitsune/Inu!Levi)Where stories live. Discover now