"We're going to have to walk through the city to get to the actual palace," he told her, a green wave of light passing over his body before his form changed. She narrowed his eyes at his long blond hair and way more muscular body. He was wearing a long red cape along with a leather tunic adorned with six metal discs. "I'm Thor. Stop looking at my muscles."

"I was not..." she muttered, glaring at him out of the corner of her eyes. "Do I get a disguise or no?"

"No. I'll tell Odin I brought you back from my travels and that you know where one of the Stones are. That should give us a reason for the two of us being there, we knock him out, and I send him to Midgard."

"Seems solid. And what'll happen if your illusion doesn't work?"

"It will. Trust me. My magic is powerful, and I know Thor's personality, actions, feelings, everything. I'm not the God of Lies for nothing, darling." Loki noted, smirking smugly down at her. She scoffed and rolled her eyes as they entered through the city gates, a few of the citizens looking strangely at the newcomers before bowing at the sight of Thor. Loki smiled pleasantly at everyone they passed, his strides confident and swift, forcing Griffin to walk faster to even keep up with him.

"You're looking a bit out of place without your hammer, my guy." She closed her eyes and shook her head disapprovingly as Loki turned to her and wiggled his eyebrows. "Not...not what I meant you absolute shit."

"I know, but I couldn't resist."

"For someone who nearly wiped out two species, you don't seem rather dark and edgy." She growled, rolling her eyes as she anxiously looked around at the citizens of Asgard. The girl felt like all eyes were on her; they were most likely wondering who this strange cloaked girl with a rifle and sword on her person was and why she was standing next to Thor - the Prince of Asgard.

"That's probably because I don't exactly have any reason to be, as you so eloquently put it, 'dark and edgy'. I no longer have to deal with pieces of trash trying to kill me, and I'm not looking into taking over Midgard any time soon, so I'm, for once in my life, feeling good." He smiled down at her as they approached the large entrance gates to the golden palace.

"Thor? What are you doing back so soon?" A man, who Loki seemed to recognize due to his unnoticeable change in stance from passive to defensive; unnoticeable to the man, but Griffin saw it. She smirked lightly, actually, since he happened to move into said defensive position to go in front of her.

"I gained a new companion who might be able to help in my quest, Fandral." Loki, er, Loki in Thor's form, stated, shooting a grin down at Griffin.

"Fandral, is it? I'm Griffin." She extended her hand with a gentle smile, her back straightening as she took on a more confident persona. The two shook hands before Fandral opened up the door for the two to walk inside. He began to lead them down the long hallway.

"Odin will wish to see you...Why didn't Heimdall alert us to your presence?"

"I asked him not to. My father would've wanted to make a deal out of my return, and I didn't want Griffin to go through that." Fandral hummed in response, and Griffin merely looked up at Loki/Thor with a hint of respect. Silver tongue indeed.

Guards stood every 30 feet or so, each decked out in armor and holding spears. The walls and ceilings were at ornately covered in gold and designs, gold bordering the windows. On the roof were nine different circular murals, each displaying the nine realms.

When they reach the set of doors that lead to the throne room, Thor turned to face Fandral.

"Will you wait outside, my friend? I would like to talk to my father alone with Griffin."

"Of course. I'll tell the others that you've arrived." With that statement said, Fandral left with a smile, leaving Loki, disguised as Thor, and Griffin standing alone.

"My rifle has a stunning setting that affects gods and Asgardians. You want me to use it?" Griffin asked, reaching behind her to grasp the neck of her rifle.

Loki paused, thinking it over before asking, "Can you see any guards inside?" The God asked, watching as she pushed the button behind her ear. The metal plating of her mask expanded out around her face and her horns, the eye lenses lighting up a bright turquoise.

She stayed silent for a moment before nodding. "Five in total. Two on the sides of the door, two on either side of the room, and one next to the throne. If you go against Odin, they'll all come out you at once. I can stun them before then."

Loki hummed in acknowledgment before nodding. "I'll get close enough to Odin and put him to sleep. Once I do that, take out the guards when they come for me. If you can, stand back for me and try to look surprised at my actions so they won't go for you."

Griffin noted in the response, clearing her throat as her mask disappeared. When Loki saw that she was ready, he pushed open the doors and stepped inside. The room itself was expansive; golden pillars rose up from the floor and to the ceiling, the floor decorated with intricate lines and circles of gold.

When her eyes landed on the throne, a sour taste entered her mouth. Odin sat on the throne holding a two-pronged spear, looking at the two before him with an unreadable expression.

Thor dropped to one knee in a bow, and reluctantly, Griffin knelt before the man who had slaughtered almost all of her species.

"My son... Welcome back."

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