The Past (pt.1)

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* August 22nd 2005*

"Momma, what are you doin'?" questioned the young 4 year old as her mother shot her arm up with heroin.

"I'm taking my medicine" lied the druggie of a mother.

Romemary looked at her mother with worry. Although she was only 4 she could tell something was wrong, her mom looked sickly. The woman once had thick and brown curls that covered her head and big brown eyes to match, nowadays the mother's hair was unkept and sticking up in random places, she could barely keep her eyes open and she had dropped many pounds.

"You don't look good momma, I'll go call daddy" proposed little Rosemary.

"NO! Don't you dare call your father! He is busy." order the mother.

"But momma-" pestered Rosemary.

"ENOUGH! GO TO YOUR ROOM" the mother yelled so loud Rosemary was 100% sure her neighbors would hear.

"yes momma" Rosemary whispered with her head hung low as she walked towards the staircase. As she reached the top of the stairs she looked back at her mother filling another syringe of an unknown substance that the young girl would later find out in life was heroin.

Once Rosemary reached her room she grabbed her stuffed teddy bear that resembled Winnie the Pooh and climbed up onto her bed. Moments passed where Rosemary sat in complete silence, a few more minutes passed and she couldn't take it anymore. She climbed to her window and opened it as much as it could go. She stuck her leg out and climbed into the tree that was right in between her and her neighbor's house. She sat in the tree for a few hours humming to Coldplay's song the Scientist and watching the passing cars. It wasn't until she saw her father's car pull into the drive way when she ran back inside the house.

A/N I hope you guys like the story so far, I know it's kind of a short chapter but I promise it the chapters will get better.

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