Chapter 2

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Having dressed Lance the best he could with the resources he had, Keith had carried the unconscious omega straight through to the healing pods. Shiro was already in one by the time he'd arrived with Lance, and as if he already knew what had happened, Coran had sent the others away. Helping him position Lance, Coran's usually over chipper attitude had faded to confusion. Both Lance and Shiro were covered in blood... blood, he was sure belonged to Lance. Still, he couldn't comprehend Shiro attacking Lance like that, even if Lance had been in heat. Shiro had thrown himself out the castle the moment Lance had taken off in Blue, he'd sworn that he was going to get Lance back and Keith knew for a fact that Shiro cared about all of them way too much. So how did this happen and why was he so agitated over it? It went beyond just anger and was fast heading towards something like self-implosion. Lance had been so soft and warm in his hold. So weak and frail like a newborn bird. So unlike his normal over the top self. The moment he'd lifted Lance into his hold, it was like every single part of him was screaming not to let him go... which was totally weird because he'd brushed against, and touched Lance before without anything like this happening

"Keith you need to go clean up. The others will be worried if they see you like this"

Looking down, he realised there way too much red on his uniform. Lance's blood... shit. The room swayed as he dropped to his knees


"I'm fine Coran. Just don't let the others see Lance"

"But your face!"

"I've had worse. I'll get in a pod once we've checked the status of the lions"

Stumbling from the room, his feet carried him back to his room. Stripping down as fast as he could, he headed straight for the shower. He needed the smell of blood off of him, yet when he stepped into the water, he found himself growing anxious as Lance's scent was washed down the drain. Quiznak! Why had this happened?! And what would happen when both Shiro and Lance were healed? Would Shiro even remember? He'd been more beast than human, and if the alpha hadn't been in an already weakened state, there was no way he would have won in hand to hand combat. Scrubbing his skin red raw, Keith didn't climb out the shower until he was sure every last trace of what happened was off of him. All he had was thoughts, thoughts and more thoughts.

Hunk and Pidge were waiting with Allura and Coran when Keith finally reached the bridge. All eyes were on him when he entered the room

"What happened? Did Lance say anything?"

"You saw what I did"

"No, you forced us to take Shiro back before we could look at Lance"

"It seems like something on the planet drove Shiro crazy. He got into a fight with Lance, and Lance got his arse handed to him. He was alive and breathing when we got him into the healing pod. That's all I know"

"If something down there sent Shiro crazy, then we need to get off this planet"

"We can't. Lance was having trouble with Blue before the crash, and Shiro isn't here to pilot the black lion"

"Allura can pilot Blue, and you can pilot Black, you've done that before"

"The Black Lion only allowed me to pilot it because I was protecting Shiro"

"So we're stuck here"

"Look, I'll take red down and check on the blue lion. If she needs repairs, I'll let you know"

"I'll come with you, I can fly her back"

"No, you stay here. The Galra could appear at any minute, and we're already two pilots down. We can't afford for anything to happen to you"

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