I sighed. “Fine. But no peeking while I shower.” I warned her and she rolled her eyes, slapping my butt as I moved into the room.

“Hey!” I exclaimed.

“I’m sorry,” She giggled. “It’s just so cute.”

Then it was my turn to roll my eyes at her.

She turned back to the mirror and started doing her hair while I stripped off my boxers and climbed behind the curtain and into the shower.

Just as I was washing my hair, she started making conversation.

“So its Jess and Tay’s last day today.” She informed me. “So it’s just us now.”

‘What?” I asked, poking my head around the curtain. “They’re leaving?”

“They’re finished,” She shrugged. “They’ve filmed all their scenes so they’re not needed anymore.”

“Oh,” I frowned and disappeared again, washing the soap from my curls.

I didn’t know they were leaving, but I guessed I was kind of indifferent. They were lovely girls and I liked spending time with them, but I didn’t really know them. “Okay.”

“So,” She started again. “I’m going out with Michael for lunch today, seeing as though I haven’t seen him in a while. I have to talk to him about what happened.”

“He doesn’t know?” I asked.

I had assumed she would have told him first, before me even. He was her boyfriend and she loved him so I had thought he would have been the first to comfort her.

“Nah, he’s been away with his parents and I didn’t want to bother him.” She said in a small voice. “Besides, I had you.” She added.

I grinned to myself from behind the shower curtain, feeling special.

“Anyway,” She continued, trying to sound more upbeat. “I have to go eat something. I’ll make us food. Happy showering!” She tried before leaving me in the bathroom, slightly stunned.

She seemed much happier than I thought she would be, though it was clear she still wasn’t okay.

But I wasn’t going to complain, all I wanted was for her to be happy.

I finished up in the shower, dried off and met Charl in the kitchen.

She had made eggs for the both of us and was just putting them on plates as I entered.

“Smells great, darl-” I froze when she turned around from the stove, tears streaming down her face. “Oh my God, are you okay?”

She sniffled and smiled a little at me, putting the plates on the table to wipe her eyes.

“Yeah, j-just, I’m fine.” She reassured me just as I walked up to her and pulled her into my arms. “Just thinking, about things.”

I nodded understandingly, kissing her head as I stroked her back.

“It’ll be okay.” I told her, pulling away so we could sit down.

She nodded gratefully and squeezed my hand as she moved away to sit opposite me and eat.

“Are you gonna come back here tonight?” She asked me and I shook my head.

“Will and Jack will be wondering where I’ve been these past few days, and I’m sure you want to spend time with Mikey.”

She smiled at that. I knew she would want to spend time with him. “Okay.” She said.

After we were ready to go, we left her apartment, getting in our separate cars to drive to the lot.

Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.Where stories live. Discover now