⁽ fifty three ₎

208 9 0

Jonah Marais:

Hey! What's up?

Jonah Marais:
Would you wanna go out and get some ice cream? My treat y'know since last we were suppose to hang out didn't exactly go so well. Again, I apologize

I'd love to actually. I've been stuck in the house getting caught up on homework and no need to apologize. Just as long as I get my ice cream, we'll be good😇

Jonah Marais:
Okay great. Should I pick you up?

Uh sure but fair warning, I've been in sweats all day and I'm not changing

Jonah Marais:
Good because me too. I've been wearing my pajamas all day and I don't regret it one bit

A shmood. Pick me up in 10?

Jonah Marais:
See you in 10

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