Chapter Fifteen: Patrilineal Lineage

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Dear Emelie,
There's no words, the tragedies in Chartres turned hectic after your leave and instead of grieving of the misfortunes for my in-laws, I only smile with joy for your safety. Netherlands is not better either, the war has taken so much from us without mass amount of blood being shed; father's murdered, sons leaving, brothers taken away. They hate me for it, I am only to protect their future from the Spaniards, but they still hate me. What can I do to make them see me as a savior, not the devil? I bid you peace in England, compared to France and home- it's the best place for you to be, live your life there with joy and peace. If only I can comfort you after your loss, for now I pray you will see through this world mistreatments. I love you my child, you are my world.

Sincerely yours, H. Van Dijk

Emelie felt at ease for her father's letter, but only grew concerned with the horrible news. The thought of her true home never came to mind, mainly for reasons of needing to escape and not go back to being trapped behind stone walls. The young woman took a deep breath while setting to the letter to the side so she can make her own, but before grabbing the quill, her bedroom door opened to show the one person she missed from France. "Elizabeth." She chirped while practically running to the woman and greeting her with a tight hug.

Even though the woman was clueless of Ouen's sinful habits and birth the same girl that was apart of the abuse, Elizabeth has always been a kind mother-in-law that made Emelie have hope of surviving another day under Ouen's wrath. "Emelie, it's wonderful to see you again. How are you? Is Martha treating you well?"

"Yes, she's been very kind. When did you arrive? The riot has taken more arms, how did you-"

"Much prayer and hope, as long as you and Talia escape before things became even more hectic, it doesn't matter. Those barbarians can have the palace and tear it to pieces, they're not going tear us done." Elizabeth pinched Emelie's cheeks, causing the young woman to laugh with glee. "Shall we join Martha and Dion for afternoon meal?"

"Talia, is she still in France?"

Elizabeth's lips turns thin from the thought of her only child being close but also far away from the rebellion. The fashionable girl thought it was best to stay with her fiancé, saying no one will recognize her, but there are spies everywhere and her beauty will betray her. "Unfortunately, but she is safe, I can not think of her being in danger."

Emelie kept herself from responding with relief for her sister-in-laws absence. It's hard enough to push Ouen out her mind and life, but for Talia to be around, it's practically adding another break to her chest so there's no way out of a deep lake. "I'm so glad you're here." She said once again while going in for a needed hug.

The two adventures off downstairs where Dion and Martha were waiting, both holding a look of irritation and concern, the air was thick and suffocating. Emelie's stomach twisted as her heart skipped a few beats from worry. However, the king pushed the conflict to the said by smiling and opening her arms for a family like greeting. Emelie rushes into his arms, wrapping her arms around his thick torso as he returned the warm gesture. His embrace was close enough to her own father's comfort, the similar dosage and fatherly care was enough to push her through the hectic weak of war and blood. Dion pulled away, hand grasped her shoulders as if he were to share his wisdom. "How are you feeling, child?"

Emelie recalled she was supposed to be distraught, still mourning over Ouen's death and recasted she could not bury him properly. Reaching deep inside her soul, Emelie tried to bring out the sadness and stress. Her eyes softened and immediately became glossy as tears threatened to escape, but she tamed the silly notion. "Everyday has an improvement, it's too soon to tell if I will get pass it all soon."

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