Moon 2~ Part 6

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Okay, so as I type this, it's 4:00 where I live. I'll try to write within two hours. I will write the time at the end of the chapter.

Anyways, here it is!


"N-No. Not possible. All the timelords are gone. It's only you and me, there can't be a third," The Doctor convinced himself. But he didn't sound convincing enough. "Can there?"

The master chuckled.

"Doctor, look at me! I was able to escape the explosion-"

"And for someone as dimwitted as you to escape means anyone could escape," The Doctor retorted, smirking, then looking down at Chronos.

"So, why did you take the boy?"

"Cause. I needed a distraction."

"So, he's not really a timelord.

"Oh, believe me, he is. But, that's not all the shock you'll get."

The doctor's face puzzled, as The Master pulled something out of his sweat pants. It clicked and as everyone registered what it was, they gasped, as it was pointed to Chronos' head. A gun.

"Come on, dude! I'm not the smartest person here, but I do know that killing the kid doesn't solve anything," Spiderwhick yelled, as Twilight buried her face into her shoulder.

"The boy doesn't even know how to regenerate, Master! This is so low of you," The Doctor shouted, stepping forward.

"Which makes it all the more easier," The Master Chuckled.

A loud bang sounded as he pulled the trigger on Chrono's head, and the bullet went straight through his head.


Rarity's head whipped around, as she heard the gunshot.

"Chronos?! Chronos!!"

She pushed past Spiderwhick and the Doctor, and saw her little boy on the ground. Dead.


She ran to his side, and turned him towards her, sitting on her knees with his head on her lap.

She patted his cheek a few times. "Chronos? Oh Chronos. Please. Wake up. You're not dead. Your-"

Her eyes stung and fresh hot tears trailed down her cheeks as the faint screaming grew outside.

"You're not DEAD CHRONOS! Chronos please." No matter what, Chronos wouldn't move. Spike walked up to the Master, and raised a fist, in pure anger, hatred, and brought it down.

Another loud bang rang out as Spike croaked. He opened his mouth, and fell back, grasping the hole in his stomach. By this time, The Doctor, Twilight, and Spiderwhick ran to their aid. The Master ran out of the TARDIS, towards the growing screams of people.

Spike coughed up blood as he looke over at Rarity. "R-Rare," he whispered hoarsely, as Rarity came to his side.


Spike winced, as he grabbed Rarity's face with his blood soaked hands. Normally, Rarity would've cringed and pushed away, but when you love someone, you stay by their side, no matter what the cost.

Using all his might, he locked lips with her, as the taste of metallic blood emanated into her mouth. But she didn't care.

She put all the passion, love, and power she could into the kiss, until she felt his movements die down. "S-Spike. I love you so much, Darling," she whispered, the tears freely flowing from her eyes.

"I-I Love you more R-Rare," he replied, feeling his minutes were ticking. "Stay a Rarity. Because you're one of a kind. M-My Gem. D-Don't cut your life short, B-Babe. You have so much to-to-"

His eyes slowly slid shut as the life faded from his face. "Live for." And he was gone.

Twilight silently wept into Spidy's shoulder, as the Doctor began to finally listen to the screams outside.

"What's going on out he-"

He finally saw them. The Daleks. One by one, the lines the streets, at least 10 in one row. And at he front of them all, his back to the Doctor, was the Master.


"HE! HAS LEAD US! TO! HIM," Yelled another Dalek.

"Yes, I have," the Master smirked, turning to the Doctor.

"And prepare for your doomsday, Doctor."


WOAH!! I Actually cried writing this. I love spike, so this is dreadful for me. ;n; Any thoughts, Guys?! No hate! Any hate comments will be reported!

XD NAH, JK, ANY HATE COMMENTS WILL BE IGNORED. Or be responses with a sassy comeback. Whichever floats my boat.

By the way, it's 4:57. I WROTE THIS IN AN HOUR! WOOHOO! I deserve an award!

*recieves Plastic treasure*

Meh. Better than what I usually get.

<3I wub you guys<3


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