May 7th 2008

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 Dear Diary, Today is the day our parents left us. They said they could not take care of us anymore. I guess that is what happens when you have 4 kids and no job.They left us with a Wagon holding a knife , Rope ,Blankets , Food ,Water , A tent, Matches ,Torches,Toilet paper etc. Since i just started this Diary i might as well tell you some details about myself and my siblings. Im opal, I have red hair and green eyes. I am 15 years old and have 3 siblings, Liam, Gabriel, & Paisley.

Liam is the oldest being 17. He knows how to hunt anything and just wants to protect his family.He has Brown hair (from our dad) and Blue eyes. Then there is Gabriel holding the second oldest position. He is 16 also a redhead and green eyes. He doesn't talk much. Then there is Paisley...Sweet Paisley she has blonde hair and blue eyes and has a heart as sweet as candy. Paisley is 10 years old and has many Hobbies such as Jarring,Sewing,Carving,and finding the perfect Fort in the woods.

In fact Paisley was the one who found where we were gonna stay. It was a huge rocky cave,looking like it belonged to a bear long ago. It was dark so Gabriel pulled out a torch and lit it, while Liam threw a rock to make sure nothing was in there. As we walked in we got set up. It was almost nightfall so we all went out staying in everyone's eyesight. We searched for firewood and long logs to put over the entryway. We had all found a bunch of firewood and Gabriel found some dry moss.

While the boys patched up the cave entry, Paisley helped me start the fire.Paisley gathered big stones and put them in a circle to hold the fire. We put lots of wood in the pit, Then put the rest against the wall.

We all decided to just put our sleeping bags and blankets on the ground next to the fire then set up the tent tomorrow. We were all hungry so Liam grabbed a pan, A can opener and some beans from our wagon. As we ate in silence we heard a howl from in the distance. We were not worried though. After Dinner we fell asleep from the heat of the fire.

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