Perfect Insanity

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Things inside of my mind were changing as fast as I started to think about the possibility of the CCG lying straight into my face. The fact of the matter is that I don't feel like what the CCG is telling me is 100% true, as there's a constant nagging feeling in my gut that tells me: "The CCG isn't to be trusted, leave them an start your own liberation of ghouls, the truly dominate race in the world."

"Here is the spare room. I suggest you get some sleep tonight, tomorrow maybe the last time you ever get a chance to see yourself in a good state." Tatara started to walk away as he shown me the room. The room was dark, almost as if light hadn't been seen for hundreds of years since the complex had been created. The smell of the room was strong with the stench of blood and urine, drawing parallels to a cell that had been newly occupied with a dangerous ghoul in Cochlea. It started to bring out memories of my life, the year or so I spent in a cell due to being a natural one eyed ghoul, the blood and tears I spent in a single year almost caused me to go catatonic. But as it was a high risk to breakdown and cry at that point, I sallowed my tears and went into the room, laying my stuff down in a corner of the room. Nothing out of the ordinary for the moment, so nothing to write on in a report that I was supposed to to do each night I spent here. Slowly drifting in and out of consciousness, I got on top of the bed, the stench of rotting flesh covering it was too much for my nostrils as I fell swiftly asleep.

As I woke in the cell I had called my home for the past two months, I smelt the familiar stench of my own urine invade my nostrils. Even as a brother to the CCG's top investigator, I was to be interrogated for any contingencies in my story that Arima had given to the high ranking officials. I was to stay in a cell at the ghoul detention center, Cochlea, for upwards of two or more years, dependent on the errors I had made. It was the second month and I already wanted out, to see the beauty of the day again, to have a somewhat decent meal to cure the anemic state of my body.

"Prisoner #2567, I have to say you're holding up well. I am Goumasa Tokage, and I'll be conducting this session of interrogation. Please, don't make this difficult at all, I have certain ways to make scum like you talk." A very disfigured man had said into the intercom that had connected the cell and the outside, and I was shocked that the interrogations had started today.

"Sorry, but I think that you'll find nothing that furthers this whole process Tokage, I am very much an innocent person that was unnecessarily brought into a cell and I'll tell you what Kijima had said about the situation"

"You're still a ghoul, but the higher-ups believe that you are the key to stopping this conflict. I'll make a quick note of it." I knew that Goumasa was a much harder target to convince to my innocence, his own ways are brutal to say the least, I've heard horror stories about how the CCG holds it's investigations in Cochlea from Arima himself.

"If it pleases you, the higher-ups requested my intervention in case of a contingency plan you maybe trying to pull. So, I'll ask again nicely, what are your motives for your destruction of Tokyo?" I was taken aback from the accusations of my plan or motives to destroy Tokyo, the place I knew like the back of my hand, I had to in order to survive from the beatings I've accrued with my good-for-nothing "father" and the wench of a "mother" that I lived with.

"Mr.Tokage, that's enough, we've did a background check, he's free to go." A mysterious figure made its way out of the shadows, along with him came my brother, dressed in his best suit for the situation. As the door to my cell began to unlock, I steadily made my way to the opening, my knees like a gelatinous goop after being locked in the cell for one year and two months out of my original two year lock up period.

"Kishou-san? Is that you? Gods it's been so long since I have been able to see your beautiful face." A mixture of emotions had started to rush over me. Happiness at the thought of being free once again, anger due to the fact I had to spend my 18th birthday in a cell, and depression due to the fact I saw how well my brother was doing without me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2019 ⏰

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