Fallen Angel

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"Come on Fura, you should be able to understand the problems, you don't always have to copy off of me." I had said to my only friend at this pitiful school, he understood me more than even my parents did, and he didn't know about my secret. Fura had always been one of those people that was sort of a slacker, always begging me to copy notes that he had not been around to take and always copying my homework. "Come on, just let me see the answers and I'll buy you lunch, you almost never seem to get any food from your own family." he said, knowing that I always had to mooch off of him and Minami, and I never told him or Minami that I was a half-ghoul, but that had changed soon as the school day had come to an end. I was walking back to my apartment, my parents didn't want me to stay at their house, just in case a random urge of "cannibalistic desire" came over me as my parents so wonderfully called my hunger for things that weren't exactly takoyaki or sushi. I found a scent of human blood, almost enticing me to go to see what kind of wonderous human had been so wrongfully murdered, but I heard a familiar voice, that being of my other friend Minami. 'Oh shit,' I thought, the adrenaline rushing through my veins, 'Minami is a ghoul?! I should've guessed by the smell of her clothing that innocent human blood was on it, but I guess she washes them throughout her stay. But who's that black haired one? I've seen reports on the news about a week and a half ago about a ghoul named Yakumo Oomori wandering about, but no details were given out-' My thoughts were interrupted by the screaming sounds of humans, spotting the massacre of one of their own. I decided to investigate further, so I pulled my sweater's hood up and hid behind a building, listening in on their conversation.

"Are you sure that one kid is a ghoul Lantern?" asked the tall, black haired individual. "I'm almost sure of it, he always has to mooch off of another classmate and me to make sure that he's fed for lunch. There's something he's not telling anyone, and I feel like he's a ghoul." Lantern, the other one I had presumed said to the guy, and I assumed that they were speaking about me, because I always have to get my lunches from Minami and Fura, the two that actually cared about me. The black haired male, who was Yakumo Oomori, had only nodded his head, thinking about the possibility of another ghoul that could be pestering them or their hunting grounds. As soon as Lantern had finished talking, she had sensed something. "Stay here, I think there is a spy that is listening in to our conversation. I'll deal with them quickly." She said to the male that was opposite of her. That was my que to start running for my life, not even looking back to see if anyone was following me. I found my apartment and went in, locking the door quickly as I possibly could. Panting, I went to the kitchen to grab a drink of water, to refresh myself before I had the metaphorical wind knocked out of me.

Tomorrow is judgement day, and I know that I rank guilty in the eyes of God. I really wished that he wouldn't come and take me away, as I wished for the sweet release of death at any point.

I was afraid of the transfer student that had suddenly came around the school. All I knew was that his parents constantly moved and he had to change schools on a regular basis. His name was Kishou Arima, and on the surface I thought nothing of him, but I still had that primal fear of the unknown, especially when I saw that giant guitar case on his back. 'Great, another one of those musical types that keeps their instruments on their backs like it was their fucking child, good God I have to deal with it until I get out of this place.' was all that I could think, for the next thing that I knew I was being sent away myself, as I had accidentally wandered off into the bathroom, trying to wash the stink of jealously and regret off of me, I had no idea that my kakugan had activated during the time when Arima had entered the room, so when he had made his way into the bathroom, I had little time to explain myself.

"Hello, I presume you are Taokana?" a somewhat silvery and serious voice said to me. "That's only my nickname Kishou-san, my real name is Tsubasa, and what is the pleasure of meeting you in this place?" I had replied to the voice that had questioned me, not knowing he could see past my facade. "Just checking in on a fellow classmate, you know that bathrooms are a good place to get ambushed by a random ghoul." Arima spoke to me like he had known me for my entire life, and it almost scared the absolute shit out of me. "I know, I have to deal with my own demons everytime I happen to look in the mirror and gaze upon my reflection, a monster that hides in me and wants to be set loose so it can feed on the ones that have haunted and tortured me in the past." I had retorted to the male behind me, as I remembered all the abuse and the torment I went through during my childhood. From starvation to making me feel like I am a pariah in my family due to something I couldn't control. "Tsubasa Yoshimitsu, the "child" of Yusa and Torobasa Yoshimitsu, a wonder child that is 50% human, 50% ghoul born to two human parents? That logic is so flawed that it could be a lie in it of itself. Tsubasa, you're not what those people say you are." Arima had spoken in the same tone that I had came to appreciate in my life. "Wait, how did you know about-" I was going to say, but Arima interrupted me by saying: "I know about you because you're my brother, that was lost when two individual had escaped the Sunlit Garden. They had kidnapped you because they didn't want to make you a ghoul investigator, they wanted to give you a normal life." I looked at Arima, stunned by the revelation of me and him bring brothers. I was stunned, amazed and most of all confused. This male that had entered my school, had revealed our kinship. I knew at that point I had to do something.

That was two years ago.

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