She stands up and rushes to the bathroom.

Luka POV...

I release a long sigh of relief as i step out the bathroom. One of the best feeling in the world, to pee out a full bladder. Yeah, that's it....

As i start to walk back, I let my mind drift off to poor sweet innocent Rin. I've never been in love before, or had a crush. So i don't really know how it feels to be in love or heart broken. I hear it hurts like a bitch.

I wasn't watching where i was going when i bumped into a hard chest. Who dares..... Oh, it's one of Kaito's little monsters.

"hello sweet cheeks " said Yuma winking down at me. Barf...

"I told you to keep your cringy nicknames to your self " I gritted out. Can't this guy take a hint.

He pouted. "oh common, i called you cup cake, sprinkles, princess, love, butter cup and now sweet cheeks but you still don't like any of them ".

"that's because i keep telling you to use the name my mama gave me you dimwit " I shot back as he runs a hand through his hair. I have admit he looked good doing that.

My heart almost jumped. Almost...... No wait, it's actually jumping. What the hell?

"if you're done embarrassing yourself, can i go now? " i said and i saw a flash of hurt in his eyes. I actually feel... Bad seeing that. Hmm... I wonder why?.... Oh well...

"what do i have to do make you realize my feelings for you " he almost yelled. Good thing we were far away from people. Close to the sea.

"how about walk away. I told you, I'm not interested " i shrugged. "is that why you keep avoiding me at school?" his voice sounded hurt and i had to swallow a lump in my throat. What is wrong with me?!

"maybe... " he suddenly grabbed my upper arms with his large hands tugging me closer. Our noses almost touching as he leaned down to my height. My heart.... Why is it beating so fast?

"is it because I've never said it out loud before? Or is it because you're too stupid to realise the connection between us?  " he gritted out and i found myself now being able to say anything.

It was like my whole body shut down. My brain can't even process anything. What is happening to me?!

"what? Cat got your tongue? " I still kept quiet. "OK then.... I'm gonna say it.... I'm gonna say it to your face, i can't hold it in anymore.. ".

He moves his hand from my arms to cup my cheeks. "you think It's just an attraction, a crush that will only last a week or two. But what you don't know is that I've always wanted you ever since i laid eyes on you.... Four years ago " he said as my eyes widened.

Four years ago? Is he crazy? I just met him three weeks ago.

"you won't remember me from then, because it was at the carnival. I saw you win a stuffed bear by popping a balloon with a dart. As at then, i thought of you as just a beautiful free spirited girl... "he pauses as his eyes land on my lips.

"I didn't know it was love at first sight, until you joined our school last year. I always found myself staring at you, admiring your beauty. But then, what i thought was just attraction, was actually more".

"what are you trying to say Yuma? " my voice comes out as a whimper and i mentally curse myself for that.

I know what he's trying to say. I know what he's confessing. But strangely, i just want to hear him say it.

(Len X Miku) Bully to boyfriend (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now