chapter 3

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I'm so sorry!!!! I've been caught up with school so it's been hard to update!!! The long and awaited chapter 3 has came to bless you with it's presence!

(Your pov.)

"Liam, shut up!" "but-" "No! Now be quiet! I'm concentrating!"you cut him off. You stood on a chair reaching for some cookies that you can bring with you when you go see Eddie until Liam came and started asking questions. Mostly 'can I come?' 'can I have one?' 'don't you dare touch the holy red velvet cookies! But can I still get one?' 'is he nice?' 'do you like him?' 'when's the wedding?' 'can he bury you? Since you're going to die trying to get cookies' and more stuff.

"Almost there.... Come on.. Wahhh!" you mumbled before screaming. "(Y/n)!" Liam said loudly before catching you and taking the fall. "Oww..." you mumbled. You heard a groan from under you before a hearing a slight chuckle. "Told ya. He's going to bury you cause you're to clumsy. Also I could of helped." Liam wheezed out before pushing you off of him.

"How can you help! Your (shorter/taller/same height) then me/as me!" you said puffing out your cheeks. He stood up. Smiling happily he patted himself down before giving himself a 'ok'. "Like this!" he proclaimed grabbing a step stool then jumping on the counter placing down the step stool he got on top of it and grabbed a lot of cookies. He got down and gave you two cookies. "That's enough! These are mine!" he laughed. "What!? Y-" "Kidding, I'll give them to you if I can come to?" Liam cut you off. You thought about it. "Maybe another time." you said. "Mmh hmm mhm mm hmm!" he said with a cookie in his mouth... "What? You know it's rude to talk with your mouth full." you said flicking his forehead.

"I said ok! And that these are so good! Anyway just let me know when I can come! If you need me I'll be at the creek I showed you." Liam said before grabbing more snacks and a bag. "Have fun! And do tell me when the wedding is!" and with that he ran off. "Its not like that!" you said. Grabbing a container and placing the cookies in there you left. Walking in the direction you remembered some how. 

"I wonder if he's even there." you mumbled out. Getting past the gate you made it towards your spot. Standing there you looked around. No one. Maybe he's late. You thought looking around. Feeling defeated and thinking about leaving a voice interrupted your thoughts. "(Y/n)!" you heard before being pulled in a hug. "Eddie!" you smiled hugging him back. Pulling away you both sat down and started talking about your interests. "Hey, (y/n)?" "Hm?" you hummed getting out the cookies. "Why weren't you here yesterday?" Eddie asked. Taking out the cookies you placed the container down. "Oh! Well, when I left that morning an old couple found me and took me to their place. I told them about my mom and they told me I can stayed there just like Liam!" you chirped. Opening the container. "Oh! Ok- can I have one?" he asked. "Sure!" you said before grabbing one.

Munching on a cookie a thought came to him. "Hey, who's Liam?" he said with an unknown emotion present in his voice. "He's just some kid they took in before me. He's a good friend-" you paused eating another cookie. Eddie felt a bit sad, you'd found another friend who'll take you away from him. "But I still prefer you over him!" you said hugging Eddie. Over joy to hear that he hugged back. Pulling away you took his mask off. "Hey-" "I like seeing you without your mask on!" you cut him off. He blushed at what you said.

"Hey! How do I look?" you said out loud. His green eyes widen seeing you with his mask on. "It looks great!" he said blushing. After talking a bit more you said goodbye and left. Walking back to the house you opened the door and quietly entered. It was quiet. "So, why are you blushing?" the voice caused you to jump. "Flipping blueberries! Liam you gave me a heart attack." you said before walking away. "Sorry, but you are blushing! Hey are you eben listening? Forget it I'm going to bed. Goodnight!" Liam said before walking to his room. Entering your room you got into bed and lay there. You were about to fall asleep when a thought came to you.

"Wait, why aren't they awake? Liam and me made a lot of noise.." you mumbled before falling asleep.

Look!!! Eddie has appeared once more!!!! Sorry for the slow updates! School is hell. Anyway I hoped you enjoyed this!!!

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