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Pyralis smiled down at the little flames that encircled her. She was visiting Asgard with her father. Surtur was having a very important meeting with Odin, King of Asgard.

"Hello!" An excited voice said, pulling her from her trance. She looked up to find a blonde boy about her age. Pyralis smiled.

"Hello, who are you?" She asked, rising to her feet and diminishing the flames. She didn't want to scare the Asgardian boy. Her mother said she needed more friends. This might be her chance to make her mother proud.

"I am Thor!" He said proudly. Pyralis smiled as big and friendly as she could.

"I'm Pyralis! Would you want to be my friend?" She asked hopefully.

"Do you like to play hide-and-go-seek?"

"I've never done so, but I would be delighted to try!" She said.

"Then, yes! Let's be friends!" Thor said. Pyralis smiled, proud to know that she was fulfilling her mother's wishes.

"We need more than just two people to play, though." Thor said.

"Oh... I'm sorry... I don't have any other friends." Pyralis said, sadly. Disappointment radiated from her.

"Oh! Don't worry! We can find some others!" Thor thought for a moment. Then, smiled. "My brother, Loki, will play with us!"

"Oh, good!" Pyralis smiled. Pyralis followed young Thor through the courtyard and into the castle. They approached a boy with black hair. He was quietly reading a book.

"Brother!" Thor yelled. The boy, Loki, jolted and looked up, annoyed.

"Thor, quiet down, will you? I'm reading." Loki said. Then, he looked over at Pyralis. "Hello... Who are you?"

"I am Pyralis of Muspelheim. You must be Loki!" Pyralis said, she sat down next to Loki to investigate the cover of his book. It was 'The Lost Treasures', a book that Pyralis knew very well. "Oh, I love 'The Lost Treasures'! I've read it so many times before."

"Really? Me, too. Who's your favorite character?" Loki smiled.

"I like Riken." Pyralis said.

"Me, too." Loki said, happy but still calm.

"Would you like to be my friend, as well?" Pyralis asked, hopeful again that she would gain a new friend and make her mother proud.

"Yes, I would." Loki said, happily. Thor smiled proudly.

"Good! Then we can all play hide-and-go-seek!"

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