chapter 4 🕸 the three p's

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On second thought, being locked with Jeno didn't actually seem like a bad thing.

Wasn't this what he had wanted all along? A chance to be alone with the guy? And here it was, fate was presenting it to him in such a weird yet also pretty obvious way. 

This was just the benefits of the situation and Jaemin with his sudden state of drowsiness felt irritated by how many cobwebs hung from the cathedral ceilings. It was weird for Jaemin once studying the exterior of this desolate place had been sure that the inside would be the breeding and living place of something evil, however, it wasn't that bad. Sure it could do with some brighter lighting and maybe less haunting pictures unlike the ones that had headless women who were dressed in flowing gowns and a man holding his own head in his hand. Gore and blood, Jaemin mused to himself, if this didn't work out he was going to kill Jeno before letting his own head get sliced in two.

There was a couch, maroon leather, ripped so that the stuffing was spilling out, and a lamp that stood flickering on and off occasionally, causing Jaemin who was already biting his nails to swallow them and start choking. 

Jeno, rather than cowering in fright was seemingly fascinated with everything. Even the carpet that looked like someone had retched on it. It wasn't sinister looking, in fact Jaemin could calm down and get used to this place but there was that slight — the slightest layer on unease under all of this pretentious suspense he was experiencing. Not like the one where he expected something to jump out at him from a dark corner, but something just weirdly unsettling. He couldn't get his head around it.

"Yo, coffee look at this!"

Jeno's voice came from a distance. He looked to his side with a flinch to notice that the guy was missing, wasn't he here just a minute ago?

"Jeno?" he called out tentatively, not willing to wake anything up.

He felt something move behind him, but when he whipped around with his hands clutching his own shoulders he was left to stare at nothing. Shivering he bit his lips, not daring to move a step further.

"Coffee, come quick!"

"I'm scared," he mumbled, his heart beat starting to get erratic from how wild his thoughts were racing. It was scary how much he was scaring his own self, from imagining scenarios of ghosts and demons circling him to having to stay the night here. At some point of him hitting his eyes and muttering to himself he considered that getting eaten by wolves sounded better than this. At least they could've run, this didn't do anything, they were just stuck here.

He heard footsteps, and quickly squinted his eyes open.

"Why are you hugging yourself?" Jeno asked bemused. He noticed that his cow costume was hanging off his lower body, hence showcasing the guy's matching black tee and pants. If this wasn't fate then—

"Would you like to do it instead?" he asked in spite of himself, unable to stop the cheeky smile that made its way up to his face.

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