chapter 1 🕸 crush on the cow

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It was a cold night. 

Very cold that he could feel his damn feet turn frigid despite wearing thick brown boots that were wrapped with thick threads of wool. Not to mention his teeth chattering, or his nose that was on the point of running and the damn brain freeze he was getting! 

He was fucking freezing.

And Na Jaemin wasn't exaggerating, he was in fact close to freezing to death and perishing on the 31st of October, as he accompanied his "friend," to a party that was halloweened. A Halloween party. 

The thing is he didn't want to go, in the least and Renjun's only statement of buying him coffee for the entire coming week kept him going. That is if he didn't collapse out of the sheer amount of raw and numbing coldness.

And, it hadn't even been three months since he turned eighteen.

Even his outfit was starting to bug him, why the hell did he think that dressing as a cup of espresso was smart or even cool? 

He decided to speak this thought out loud.

"I hate my outfit."

"I hate it too but I think it portrays you perfectly," Renjun said without missing a beat, almost as if he'd been expecting him to ask something like that. He stopped walking and tapped the cylindrical thing that he'd with very much effort taped around his body.

"Your personality is as bitter as that dark brown shit and your appearance is as fake as plastic, see match made in heaven!"

Jaemin laughed dryly, smacking the other pretty hard on the shoulder before speeding up and then regretting immediately as the air started slapping his face, and his exposed arms.

Easy for Renjun to say that, he mused internally, he was cosplaying  as a biker and with that shiny leather jacket, skinny jeans, and hair slicked off the forehead with way too much hair gel —the top of his forehead was gleaming under the lights— managed to pull off a look that wasn't dumb, unlike him, he was just being dumb.

"It's cold, I hate this," he grumbled again. 

"It's just a short way ahead," Renjun said speeding up his steps. "Keep up with me Java."

Mumbling to himself again, he waited till the guy had walked past him and then followed him, albeit begrudgingly.

The whole street were decorated for the season and Jaemin who was busy gawking up at each house they passed by was held tight with awe. The carved pumpkins on the yard, lit from within so that the creepy and sinister looking smiles seemed to almost follow him, even after he'd walked a good blocks away from it. The lanterns hanging from the rakes, the purple streamers that were clumsily hung from the drip edges. And also the headstones.

The street wasn't empty, for it was barely midnight or well past 7 at night. There were kids running around excitedly, holding baskets that were decorated pretty impetuously, yet still going with the outfits though. So that was nice.

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