chapter 2 🕸 trick or treat

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Beef and coffee? Who in their right mind would ever?

Jaemin kept those thoughts to himself, he was here to get a date and not portray himself as some weird walking specimen. Though he doubted that he'd make any change from his current position, wearing a damn coffee cup. Then again he was trying to hit up a cow, he was getting embarrassed either way.

"Oh forget that," he said smiling amicably and throwing a hand casually in the air as he, with very much care and planning leant against the wall next to him. Turns out it was a curtain and he ended up going through the red clothe, which had seemed like a hard wall when he'd first seen it. What was—

His arm flailing and body unable to hold balance, he stumbled sideways and even Jeno's hurried motions of arm waving — it was his legs, no hands —legs — didn't contribute to anything. He hit the ground, and it wasn't nice. For starters his body didn't hit the floor, and it was only his legs that came in contact with it. The lid of his coffee cup, which was worn as a hat that had a tiny straw right at the top had toppled off his head, and he was slightly rolling, though only his upper body, which was weird, confusing but it was happening. And it took awhile for the plastic to stop moving back and forth in momentum. 

And the most unpleasant thing? His head was covered with the curtain. He couldn't breath.

No one even cared for him, not even one damn person from the party decided to bend over and help him to his feet — the idea seemed like a task now that he thought about it. So he was left to lay, staring at the few faces that peered down at him, and after what seemed like ages of rolling around the floor in failed attempts of heaving himself up and not to mention public humiliation, someone walked over. The sounds of bells jingling as they did.

"You okay coffee?"

Jeno's face loomed into view and Jaemin, whose face was still brushing against the hem of the curtain, couldn't inhale a lot without getting dust up his respiratory system, so nodded, trying to look as pathetic as he could. 

"I'm sorry, Lucas started talking about this club he was organizing and I got kinda carried away," he said, his big cow ears shaking as he tried to make his point clear. Jaemin noticed the big bell hanging on his neck. "And I'm really sorry, are you okay—"

"Uhm, I'm still on the floor."

"Oh, all right, here lemme," he stretched a hand, but Jaemin couldn't reach it over the huge mound of plastic, he cursed internally and stretched further. Nothing happened.

"Maybe if I walk around," Jeno suggested, almost as if to himself.

"Stop talking and do it!" he yelled, causing the guy to flinch a little. It worked though and Jeno walked around him, Jaemin felt uneasily vulnerable. He was depending on a cow.

They got around, in a way. Jeno's plan didn't work at first, for him with his thickly gloved hands couldn't get a grip on Jaemin's plastic. And this carried on until he suggested that they lift him by holding hands, which now Jaemin thought about was pretty smooth on his part.

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