chapter thirty four :: tricky trials

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"Are you ready?" Josh asked CJ as she smoothed her black dress down in the mirror.

"No," CJ shook her head, examining herself. "I don't like this dress anymore. It looks too big."

"We purposely got it a size up so that when you feel like your gonna suffocate, it won't feel as tight, remember?" Josh reminded her.

"My pills," CJ remembered. "I need my pills."

"Do you want me to hold them for you?" Josh offered. "That way if you need one during the breaks I'll have it?"

"Yeah," CJ nodded before she took one, trying her best to take a deep breath. "I think I'm ready."

As soon as CJ and Josh got out of the car, they were swarmed by news reporters.

"How do you feel taking a stand against an alleged rapist?" A microphone was shoved into CJ's face which caused her to jolt back a bit. Josh, of course, caught her.

"Back up." Josh told them as he put his arm out, trying to clear a path for her while his other arm was held tight around her waist. CJ looked down to avoid the cameras. Once they were finally free of the crowd, something else took her breath away.

There was a large group of people protesting. They had signs, many of them saying Put Alex Away, others reading I believe her.

"That's all for you." Josh told CJ, who was staring in disbelief.

CJ simply pulled Josh along, the pressure setting deep down within her.

"You're gonna do great, okay?" Josh was giving CJ a pep talk before trial was started. "It's okay to be nervous. You tell them everything that you remember like you practiced, okay? I'm gonna be sitting right in the first row so I'll be there the entire time."

CJ nodded as she squeezed Josh's hand.

"Sorry I'm a little late," Jenna joined CJ's side. "We're gonna win. We're gonna put Alex away, okay?" 

"Miss Reyes, could you describe exactly what happened that night?" Zach asked.

"I was at a party," CJ started. "I was drinking and I headed to the bathroom and I guess I didn't notice, but a guy followed me in there. From what I remember, he um.." CJ looked down, trying not to let her voice crack. She longed for Josh's hand squeezing hers, but since she could not have what she wanted, so she squeezed her own hand. Of course, it felt nothing like Josh's.

"Miss Reyes?"

"He um.." CJ went into detail, not being able to look at Josh the entire time she spoke.

"Do you see this man here today?"

"Yes," CJ pointed. "It's Alex Turner."

"I'm so sorry that you had to experience that." Zach finished before he took a seat.

"Miss Reyes, you said you were intoxicated, correct?" The opposing attorney asked.


"And every detail isn't exactly clear?"


"So there's a possibility that you said yes?"

"No," CJ shook her head. "I remember saying no and trying to fight him off, but I was too weak."

"Why did you wait three years to report this?" He questioned.

"I waited because I didn't exactly know it happened." CJ answered.

"Did you hear that?" The man faced the jury. "She doesn't even know what happened!"

"I do," CJ was started to lose control of her breathing. "I-I had an idea of what happened because I had bits and pieces. Jenna only just told me what she found and it was j-just confirmation."

Introverted Hearts // Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now