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Destiny's pov

"Destiny" my best friend Liam screamed as she entered my room

I looked up from the tv and saw her beautiful face crying "h-he-h-he chea-ch--cheated on m---m---me"

"Daniel cheated on me" she said "DANIEL" I yelled "y-yes" he whimpered as he entered my room I love being a beta "tell me why you cheated on her" I said angry "I-I- di-didn-didn't cheat o-on h-eE-r he stuttered "Daniel get out of my face I never wanna see you again" i yelled and he ran out of my room

"Your brother is visiting" Liam said quietly

"Whhhhhataatatta" I screamed

As I picked up the lamp by my bed and threw it out the window.you see me and him aren't in best terms

He banded me from his pack because his mate kept a secret from him and I found out before I got a chance to tell him his mate lied and convinced him I killed our parents and he banded me

(Sorrrrrrrrrrry it's short I have writers block)

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