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Composed 1803.--Published 1807

Classed in 1815 and 1820 as one of the "Poems of the Imagination."--Ed.

[This delightful creature and her demeanour are particularly described in my Sister's Journal. The sort of prophecy with which the verses conclude has, through God's goodness, been realized; and now, approaching the close of my 73rd year, I have a most vivid remembrance of her and the beautiful objects with which she was surrounded. She is alluded to in the poem of 'The Three Cottage Girls' among my Continental Memorials. In illustration of this class of poems I have scarcely anything to say beyond what is anticipated in my Sister's faithful and admirable Journal.--I. F.]

Sweet Highland Girl, a very shower

Of beauty is thy earthly dower!

Twice seven consenting years have shed

Their utmost bounty on thy head:

And these grey rocks; that [1] household lawn;

Those trees, [A] a veil just half withdrawn;

This fall of water that doth make

A murmur near the silent lake;

This little bay; a quiet road

That holds in shelter thy Abode--

In truth together do ye seem [2]

Like something fashioned in a dream;

Such Forms as from their covert peep

When earthly cares are laid asleep!

But, O fair Creature! in the light

Of common day, so heavenly bright, [3]

I bless Thee, Vision [4] as thou art,

I bless thee with a human heart;

God shield thee to thy latest years!

Thee, neither know I, [5] nor thy peers;

And yet my eyes are filled with tears.

With earnest feeling I shall pray

For thee when I am far away:

For never saw I mien, or face,

In which more plainly I could trace

Benignity and home-bred sense

Ripening in perfect innocence.

Here scattered, like a random seed,

Remote from men, Thou dost not need

The embarrassed look of shy distress,

And maidenly shamefacedness:

Thou wear'st upon thy forehead clear

The freedom of a Mountaineer:

A face with gladness overspread!

Soft smiles, [6] by human kindness bred!

And seemliness complete, that sways

Thy courtesies, about thee plays;

With no restraint, but such as springs

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