OCTOBER, 1803 (#3)

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Composed October 1803.--Published 1807

Included among the "Sonnets dedicated to Liberty"; afterwards called, "Poems dedicated to National Independence and Liberty."--Ed.

When, looking on the present face of things,

I see one man, of men the meanest too!

Raised up to sway the world, to do, undo,

With mighty Nations for his underlings,

The great events with which old story rings

Seem vain and hollow; I find nothing great:

Nothing is left which I can venerate;

So that a doubt almost [1] within me springs

Of Providence, such emptiness at length

Seems at the heart of all things. But, great God!

I measure back the steps which I have trod;

And tremble, seeing whence proceeds the strength [2]

Of such poor Instruments, with thoughts sublime

I tremble at the sorrow of the time.

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[Variant 1:1845.

... almost a doubt ... 1807.]

[Variant 2:1827.

... seeing, as I do, the strength 1807.]

The reference is, of course, to Napoleon.--Ed.

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THE POETICAL WORKS OF WILLIAM WORDSWORTH - VOL. 2 (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora