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Composed 1799.--Published 1800

One of the "Poems of Sentiment and Reflection."--Ed.

Art thou a Statist [1] in the van

Of public conflicts [2] trained and bred?--

First learn to love one living man;

Then may'st thou think upon the dead.

A Lawyer art thou?--draw not nigh!

Go, carry to some fitter place

The keenness of that practised eye,

The hardness of that sallow face. [3]

Art thou a Man of purple cheer?

A rosy Man, right plump to see?

Approach; yet, Doctor, [A] not too near,

This grave no cushion is for thee.

Or art thou one of gallant pride, [4]

A Soldier and no man of chaff?

Welcome!--but lay thy sword aside,

And lean upon a peasant's staff.

Physician art thou?--one, all eyes,

Philosopher!--a fingering slave,

One that would peep and botanize

Upon his mother's grave?

Wrapt closely in thy sensual fleece,

O turn aside,--and take, I pray,

That he below may rest in peace,

Thy ever-dwindling soul, away! [5]

A Moralist perchance appears;

Led, Heaven knows how! to this poor sod:

THE POETICAL WORKS OF WILLIAM WORDSWORTH - VOL. 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now